i am six weeks post op, cant tolerate most meats or dairy

Hello all, I am six weeks post op and I cant get myself to eat fish, chicken, turkey, or cottage cheese or even yogurt. It makes me gag. I however, started loving milk, but I am afraid that I will never be able to eat anything besides canned fruit and my protein drinks, any suggestions. I dont want to be a liquid eater my whole life    — nicoleb (posted on January 10, 2006)

January 10, 2006
Hang in there- things get better each week. I am 3 months post op and didn't eat any red meat until yesterday. I started very slowly and didn't regret it. i would stay away from things that make you gag. Is it the smell or the taste that makes you gag? after canned fruit and protein drinks i tried apple sauce and yogurt. i did the one that has added fiber - they are kind of yellow - think its dannon fit something. i also drank carb conceous yogurt smoothies - they had 4carbs total. drink slowly. your body has to get used to the new food. i corresponded with people after surgery who were adding food back quickly and later then regreted it or had other problems. don't worry about being too slow (in my opinion). start with yogurt then move to cottage cheese then try fish. tuna with a bit of mayo and some wheat thin crakers. there are those packets of 100 calories each which are great. once you can tolerate tuna then move to another kind of fish then to chicken or turkey. good luck - be patient. it will all come in time.
   — akirsch

January 10, 2006
Hello Nicole, I too was unable to eat meat and dairy at your stage. I was three months post op before I ate chicken and fish. I was about four months post-op before I could tolerate beef. I am 1 week away from being 1 year post-op and I can eat dairy cooked in with outher items but to this day I still can not drink a glass of milk without it coming back up. This upsets me especially with me being pregnant right now but I said all of this to say that we all are able to eat and tolerate different things at different times. I can not drink milk however, I have friends that have drinks with the girls every weekend and they are not even a year post-op. Tiffany
   — Tiff's On a Mission

January 10, 2006
Nicole , I think it takes time for everyone , it took me a while to tolerate meat I still prefer softer foods to meat , soups ,chili,eggs. It will get better , I promise.
   — sunnie

January 10, 2006
I am also six week post op and not doing too well with meat, but it is getting better. I recommend beans as much as you can tolerate. I eat refried beans with baked chips and melted cheese, bean soup, chili with turkey or beef.......just managed an egg for the first time......managed some well cooked shredded chicken in cream of chicken soup/gravy and it stayed down for the first time. Meats are a hard one. I can feel and see a difference each week, though and it is getting better. Thank Goodness! Good luck......have you tried Carb Countdown milk by Hood. The milk sugar is removed and replaced with Splenda. Only 3 g sugar, versus around 12 in regular milk. I am lactose intolerant but have been able to drink this milk. 8 g protein per cup, too! Laura
   — LauraA

January 10, 2006
Nicole, everything comes to those who wait. You will be a "normal" person again soon, but the first year is all trial and error. What you can't tolerate now, you will sometime in the future. Some things will never be tolerated as well or as soon. Be patient. I am 2-1/2+ years out and eat everything. Some only a teaspoon, others 6 oz. Go figure. However, as an oldie I can tell you - LIFE IS GOOD . . . yours will be too!
   — Missy H.

January 10, 2006
hi nichole my question is the smell or flavor makes you gag of after you swallow it it comes back if it is the later you may have a stricture. I did actually had it a t like week 2 but took me 3 weeks to convince the doctor of it so I was basicly 5 weeks on nothing but liquids I tried everything but just couldn't keep it down. That is an option. I hope things are going well for you and each week things will get better good luck--mike
   — rivercity4000

January 10, 2006
I have trouble with meats, too, and I have always been a carnivore! I am a year out, and only now beginning to eat beef and eggs. They just made me gag! They made me feel sick and throw up! the easiest thing for me to get down is lobster and shrimp. I get them at a Wegmans grocery store. they are expensive, but not when you remeber that a quarter pound of either lasts me a week. don't push yourself; eat things you can, and occassionally try the things that you had trouble with.
   — Novashannon

January 11, 2006
Hello to all as well-I am also about 6 wks out (12/1/05) and having some of the same issues. Cannot tolerate fish at all--small amts make me SICK--have to barf it up--so I guess I am just not ready yet--I will re try again in a while--I am getting kind of sick of the shakes and stuff, but not much choice for now--I have found that I can tell what will not go down well--If I am not able to burb alittle or have that strange gurgling sound in between each 1-2 tiny bites then it seems like things are not going to settle well and I stop. This experience is such a trip--how many things I have thought about since surgery, about how I used to eat and how others eat--yikes!!!! but I will tell you that reading the forums and the posts REALLY help alot--I have decided when I have 2 cents to add, I will because I have seen for myself how much the experience of those who go before me have helped when the going is tough--So thank you to all before and prayers to all--Connie
   — clm

January 11, 2006
Hello to all as well-I am also about 6 wks out (12/1/05) and having some of the same issues. Cannot tolerate fish at all--small amts make me SICK--have to barf it up--so I guess I am just not ready yet--I will re try again in a while--I am getting kind of sick of the shakes and stuff, but not much choice for now--I have found that I can tell what will not go down well--If I am not able to burb alittle or have that strange gurgling sound in between each 1-2 tiny bites then it seems like things are not going to settle well and I stop. This experience is such a trip--how many things I have thought about since surgery, about how I used to eat and how others eat--yikes!!!! but I will tell you that reading the forums and the posts REALLY help alot--I have decided when I have 2 cents to add, I will because I have seen for myself how much the experience of those who go before me have helped when the going is tough--So thank you to all before and prayers to all--Connie
   — clm

January 11, 2006
this may gross you out as well. i have a stack of vienna sausages on my kitchen counter.i am 4 weeks out i can eat them with a1 or tiger sauce i eat 1 and 1/2 for a meal.i also eat a lot of refried beans pureed bean soups and scrambled eggs done in a multitude of ways. hang in there! vicki g
   — vickig

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