what vit can not be taken with one another?

Can vit d be taken with vit a? Can all vit be taken together,as in all that are found in Mult. vit.?Can antoxides be taken with all vit.? Can potasum be taken with all vit.? Help.    — estewart (posted on January 4, 2009)

January 4, 2009
The only thing I can contribute in regards to compatibability is that iron and thyroid meds cannot be taken with calcium. You must wait 2 hours before taking the calcium.
   — DeniseHolstege

January 4, 2009
Another point is if you're taking pre-natal vitamins with iron don't take those with in two hours of taking your calcium.
   — katiecakes

January 4, 2009
our nut.told us that you can not take your multi vit. and cal. at same time. You have to take them 2 hours apart also that your body can only absorb 500mg of cal at a time. Most need 1200/ 1500 mg per day of cal. So you have to take it 500 mg. two or 3 times per day. we take our mulit vit at breadfast then 2 hours later take one cal.500mg chew then lunch another and then supper another. Seems to be a lot to learn out there. All this time I was taking it all at once and feeling like I was doing good. Only to find out all or most was not even absorbing just waisted my time and money. hope this helps
   — BJW12

January 4, 2009
Iron and calcium are enemies...Calcium binds to many other vits...So these two vits need to be taken alone and two hours apart..from each other especially! Take Calcium with Vit D and magnesium...They all 3 work together like a charm... Take Iron (Use a gentle iron, not iron salts if you had RNY) with Vit C as ascorbic acid and copper for good absorption. Take a multi vit for all your other vits...that can be taken with the your fat soluble vits (A, D, E and K) But watch all your vit levels in labs (if you are an RNYer since we malabsorb fats that includes those fatty vits! Keep an eye on those!) Unless you take a dry form or be certain eat at least 3 tsp daily of good fats to help you absorb some.. It is a lot to learn and it gets tiresome...I know because I got tired of the routine taking vits everyday on a schedule...It's worse than taking BC pills...As soon as I decided I was healthy enough without taking all the extra stuff every day...I became vit deficient and got pretty sick there for a while... Potassium and magnesium are electrolyes and can be taken with your multivits...Your B Vits are water soluble and are compatible with other vits...B-12 must be taken as a sublingual (spray, liquid, or under tongue) RNYers cannot absorb B-12 without stomach acid (Same reason to take calcium as calcium citrate and NOT carbonate) You get yopur best most potent and complete vits from eating a variety of foods, but I learned the hard way that it's NOT enough...You still need vits to get the extra doses because of malabsorption! your best to take your vits daily and completely....make a schedule and stick with it...You might want to do some research of your own, because there is so much more than I can write in a quickie answer and it's best you see it with your own eyes and learn it!...Choose reputable sites and follow the suggestions for the surgery you had...
   — .Anita R.

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