Reply to Patricia P.

I am NOT so depressed that I need medicated, I just don't like the skin,I am lucky, it could have been worse. I had surgery 2 years ago and lost 95 lbs, I also am 59 thus makes me look older with more weight that I loose, but am happy with my loss and healthier that I have ever been. I am content with myself, I have a great husband , good job, family, what else do I need ? LESS SKIN ... Patricia, I am just trying to get information, I know the insurance companies are hard to deal with, I had to go to Mexico to get my surgery and self pay, over $13,000 so if and when the times comes, I will go there for my plastic too.. As for being anonymous, I have kept who I to myself for personal reasons , and that is the way it has to be. Thanks to all your all your great advice. Oh, PS. I did get Dr. Rae body shapers at Sears, I will be trying it out today.. Yipee.... Have a great day !    — Reelbaby (posted on December 3, 2007)

December 2, 2007
I'm sure some people would feel like you should at least be happy that you lost weight, but i too have spoken to my husband about the possiblity of having to remove excess skin sometime down the line, i am still pre-op, so i can understand how you feel. I mean i feel like why go thru this whole change of life, and risk of surgery if you cant even show off the hatd work ;-). I would tell you know a good plastic surgeon to go in for a consult, and take it from there. Good luck to you.
   — shortyroc0901

December 2, 2007
Anonymous Anonymous. I am the board moderator or better term host. Have you considered creating a fake name? Might sound better than Anonymous Anonymous and be friendlier too. If you want member services can change it for you. Just a suggestion, have a nice day!
   — bob-haller

December 3, 2007
It took me 4 years before I was able to come up with the money for a tummy tuck. I wore Spanx Power Panties. They do help and are very comfy. Be patient, some how you will come up with the money for your plastic surgery.
   — Carlyn M.

December 3, 2007
I just bought Dr. Rae's body shappers, gosh, how wonderful they are, u can get them on HSN or Sears(cheaper) they sure know how to hide things..
   — Reelbaby

December 4, 2007
It sounds like you have come so far. I am glad you found the shaper and love it so much. Spandex and this type of product are friends to us:). I wish you well in your discovery, but even though you want the skin removed, please be careful. I know you want it done, but it is a huge surgery and a huge recovery. I am 47 and did have the skin removed from my stomach (pre gyn surgery requirement), and I have to admit, it was a much bigger recovery than I every expected. 3 to 4 weeks of sleeping upright and drain tubes, it was tough. I am glad for you though and wish you well. I am sorry you feel you have to be anonymous, but I respect it. It is just that when I see that, I wonder if someone is making waves. You obviously are not doing that, so I apologize for any implication to that affect. Insurance companies are hard to deal with, you are right. I was Tricare and they would not cover me at all, so we switched to my husband insurance BCBS of Ill, and they were super. It had to be medically necessary, but they were wonderful and took me up right away. Sometimes you can appeal, but I did appeal twice with Tricare, and they didn't budge. My friend, however, who had a small hernia, also got a TT with it by Tricare, no problem. It depends on who works your case sometimes. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

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