After lapband

Right after lap band and after returning to eating solids,how much weight do most people loose.I am 27 days post op.For the last two weeks,I loose two pounmd gain two pounds,etc..What is going on?It is very depressing.I dont get a fill until April 24.If any bandsters has any answers please let me know.Thanks    — Sandy Hanson (posted on April 11, 2007)

April 11, 2007
Sandy. I know what you're going through. I have had 2 fills so far and I can still eat more than the Dr's. say I should. I go for another one on 4/27. I have not been losing much since the surgery. I'm hoping that once they get the band filled to the correct amount, I'll eat a lot less and start losing more weight. It;s very important to drink all the water they say you should and to exercise. Both of these things will contribute to a greater weight loss. Best of luck. Dan
   — bigdooba

April 11, 2007
Aloha! I had my lap band on 9/5/06. I have lost 71 pounds so far. I've had one fill (1.25mL saline). Don't get discouraged. Weight loss is slower. Life style changes are critical. You have to retrain yourself to eat less. The band is only a tool; your brain has to change too. I need to exercise more, though. This is a lifelong journey. My suggestions (things that have worked for me) are be very sure to drink 2-2.5 liters of fluid a day, eat 5 times a day (small, meals; protein and veggies), and take the vitamins and calcium. Calcium is key to weight loss. Good luck! I know you can do this. You didn't gain weight over night, and it won't come off over night! Hang in there. You can do it!
   — gtali1954

April 11, 2007
I am not trying to offend anyone but... The 3 people I have known personally who had the lap band--lost little weight, then gained it all back plus more. I am sorry you are having difficulties. I personally knew I wouldn't be able to restrict what I ate, so I had the bypass--believe me, I had to restrict myself then, or suffer the consequences of being SICK!

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