After gastric bypass surgery you can't eat & drink at the same time.

So does this mean you can never eat cereal in the morning of any type??? Is everything eaten dry forever???? Is it about the size/space of the pouch that prevents the eating & drinking together for life???    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 6, 1999)

June 6, 1999
Spooning in a mouthful of milk substitute isn't the same as DRINKING or even sipping. The purpose behind waiting is to NOT flush teh food through. The whole purpose of having a tiny pouch is to create a satifying full sensation, but to get it with less food. If you wash the food through, you miss the satisfied feeling and stuff more food in, thereby defeating your whole purpose of having surgery. So, really, it's all for your own good. If you SIP with meals, it soon becomes drinking, no matter what you CALL it. For me, I don't even serve myself a beverage. It's just betetr that way. But I do use a good milk sub on my sugar free cereals.
   — vitalady

June 6, 1999
This is a very good question. I am 6 months post op and how and when I eat has changed completely! As for being able to eat cereal with milk in the morning or any other time is a very individual thing. I used to love shredded wheat . . . now as a post op, I still love the idea of shredded wheat with milk, but I am lactose intolerant and also I would have a hard time guessing how much to eat to feel satisfied due to the 'expansion' properties of cereal. I have found that my appetite has changed completely post op. If I eat in the morning, it is usually not until 11:00am and then I feel best if I eat a piece of cheese or other protein/fat foods. If I eat a carbohydrate before that time, I will feel sleepy or sluggish for hours, and I will be hungry all day! To answer the second part of your question, there are actually a couple of reasons for not eating and drinking at the same time. The first is space . . . we need the space in our gastric pouch for nutritious food. The second reason is expansion . . . adding drinking, (even water) to food can add volume to it, so you can go from comfortable and satisfied to uncomfortably over stuffed easily. The third and last reason not to drink and eat at the same time is to be able to consciencly eat the proper amount . . . that means that when you stop eating because you feel satisfied . . . it is because you have eaten enough, not because you think you have due to the satisfaction signal being triggered by the liquid. (If you get hungry really often this could be the cause . . . so not drinking with meals aids in not being hungry as often.)
   — Vicki H.

June 6, 1999
Well ... You'll be able to eat cereal again but shouldn't try to drink the leftover milk in the bowl, the "rule" is nothing to drink half hour before or after as you need to conserve space for the food. However, You'll have to be careful what kind of cereals, because you'll likely not tolerate sugar well post-op as it can cause "dumping syndrom", which is a great deterent because you feel so rotten for a while until it passes.
   — Sherrie G.

June 7, 1999
I am 20 months out with the Fobi pouch. I do not have any problem sipping or drinking while I am eating. I especially believe that a warm beverage helps lubricate the food as it goes down. As far as cereal, I can no longer eat dry cereal with milk. If I do, within an hour I am experiencing inner-rumblings, and within two hours the cereal is cleaning out my digestive system with a vengenance! I have actually used a bowl of cereal at night to relieve constipation, just make sure you are close to the bathroom. But....everyone is different. I know some patients that have had absolutely no problem with cereal/milk. As with all types of foods that you re-introduce, you will have to see how your system reacts to it. If you have problems, then you know not to eat that again. There is plenty of food out there, you will never be deprived.
   — JIM W.

June 7, 1999
It is the size of the pouch and to prevent you from flushing the food through too fast. I do cereal every morning with milk. And now that I am seven moths post-op I do occasionally have something to drink with my meal, especially if I am in a restaurant and taking my time eating.
   — dboat

June 8, 1999
I had bypass on April 13th/99. I had a small bowl of Rice Krispies this morning. I was also concerned about this as I love my cereal in the A.M.I have tried to sip water with my meals but is a no no ,for me anyways
   — [Anonymous]

June 8, 1999
You can eat cold and hot cereal after surgery! The size of the pouch does effect you being able to eat and drink at the same time! Robin
   — Robin C.

June 20, 1999
I can eat cereal with milk. It seems to mix up when you chew it so it is more like a thick soup consistency when you swallow it. Eating and drinking will stretch your pouch and cause you to vomit. The liquid can not get past the food and had no where to go but back up.
   — Donna D.

January 26, 2000
I have no trouble with cereal, whether hot or cold. In fact, cereal seems to be one of the only foods I never have any probelms with.
   — Peter W.

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