I'm having surgery next week, am I suppose to feel 100% ready?

I know I'm ready, I've waited too long for this but I don't want to blow this! Maybe I'm just scared to say good-bye to my relationship with food. I just don't feel 100% yet, will I ever or is this normal?    — Jilly_Bean (posted on August 17, 2009)

August 17, 2009
I'm 5 days post op so I can relate to those feelings. I was very excited and slightly nervous. I was thinking about having a "last supper" before surgery because I was worried about not having so many of my favorites for so long. After lots of thinking it over and reading things on this site, I opted to get a large greek salad minus cheese and a last diet coke (garden diet). I'm glad I did. I think it's very normal to be nervous about making such a drastic change in your life. However, it will be a great change that will allow you a longer, healthier life. I wish you the best of luck on your surgery. Just keep reading the site and looking at all those before/after photos. That will be you before you know it!! Dana
   — imalmost40

August 17, 2009
If you're like me and most people I know, you'll worry the whole time if you're making a mistake. I told them on the way into the operating room that I didn't want to have the surgery. Afterward for the first week I still wondered and had a bladder infection for a month, and I regretted having it every day. THANK GOD I couldn't undo it. It's worth it and my case was exceptional. I only wish I'd done it years before that. You'll do fine and you will eventually be thankful you chose to do this wonderful thing for yourself. Good luck on your journey. Consider me a friend. My RNY was 7/2/08 I was a heaviest of 429, I now weigh 265 and still losing. It was October, 3 months later before I lost any significant weight due to the infection and lack of exercise. I was 69" in my waist. I'm wearing 42" jeans and if they did the surgery for the loose skin now, I'd be at least 35 pounds and 4" smaller in the waist.I still have till January before I'm ready for it, and I'm still losing.
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

August 17, 2009
Hi Jill, I am 7 weeks out today and I remember the hours before my surgery all so well! I was all ready for surgery with IV in and was still having second thoughts. I told my mom and she said well lets leave now then. Well that was far from what I really wanted to do. I knew just as you do that I had waited so long for this and there was no turning back!!!! Just know that this is so very normal and you will just fine. I am wishing all the best for you and you will do great! Look at the future and what you goal is in this new journey. I am dow 24 lbs with the Lap Band. Go Girl!! ~Patti~
   — Patford

August 17, 2009
The few days before my surgery I can remember having all sorts of "second feelings." I was beginning to wonder if I had made the right choice. I understand that this is very normal and that most preops have these thoughts. You are not saying "good bye" to food you are only setting new boundaries, much as you would do with a dear friend that gets too close. The important thing to focus on is the future and know how much better you will feel as the weight comes off. I am 90 pounds lighter than I was pre surgery. I can do so many things that I couldn't do--walk a couple of miles, ride my bike, run up the stairs. You will be amazed!!! My self esteem has also gotten a big boost from all my friends and co-workers telling me everyday how good I'm looking. I hope all the best for you and just remember that the tool you're about to be given is just that a tool -- not a magic bullet. You will have to change your eating habits and will have to exercise, but it's very doable. Take care and stay in touch and let everyone know how you are doing. Bob
   — rkurquhart

August 17, 2009
when i was going in for surgery, i was so happy-- it was like christmas. i had not a worry or a care at all. i was so determined to have the surgery. i was beyond ready. i will say that MAYBE in retrospect having a LITTLE worry would have been good-- i did NOT expect the immense pain i was in after i woke up and for the next few days. i was dry heaving and had bloody diarrhea and i really thought i was dying. fortunately i am fine and of course i could not be happier with my progress. you will be fine.
   — greenpunchbuggie

August 18, 2009
I know prior to my surgery and before my pre op diet I was enjoying every food I could I think because I was afraid to let go and I wanted I final farewell. I was at peace about the surgery because I had studied up on it and when I found out he death rate of people that stay obesse was so much greater than those that have surgery or have significant weith loss. My daughter recently had an obesse friend of hers die of natural causes that were obesity related. That just confirmed again to me that I did the right thing in choosing to have surgery and choosing to get healthy and change my life to live for life not for food. I was a little aprehensive about the surgery part because I hate surgery but all went well and I'm sure it will with you too. I know that you will be happy you made this decision. I am 4 months out VSG and have lost a total of 75 lbs. I feel better than I have in a long time and just had someone tell me I look healthier and less tired than before. I no longer need my sleep apnea machine and have lots more energy. I hope you feel better and even at peace. Prayer does help it helped me a lot.
   — Lisa von Wallmenich

August 18, 2009
Yes, you really should feel 100% ready. There should be no doubt in your mind that you are doing the right thing. I answer this question with this answer always: You really need to do some deep soul searching and sever your ties with food pre op instead of post op. If you deal with the food demons pre op, you will have a very successul weight loss. If you struggle with head hunger (always thinking you are hungry) because you haven't cut your ties with the food then you will find it hard to deal with and you will think you have made the wrong decision to have wls. But you have made the best decision. Write down all the reasons why you eat. I mean why you binge eat, over eat, think about food. If you really think about it, you really only need food to live, you don't live for food. Cut your ties and you will do just great. Hope this motivates you further.
   — Kristy

August 18, 2009
   — BREN211

August 26, 2009
I just had my surgery on this past Friday, Aug. 21. I was very nervous. I had to break down the reasons for not being sure. What I found was that severing my unhealthy relationship with food was the right thing to do but I was really nervous/anxious/paniciky about the surgergical process itself. The what if's. I compared the guaranteed outcome of being 150 lbs overweight to the possible outcomes of lap rny and decided to go through with the surgery in spite of my anxiousness. I am already down 12 lbs and have been able to get my protein and water since the day I came home. I am only sore in 2 of my insicions and have not found myself missing much food. In 6 weeks-3 months when I am healed and can eat a variety of foods in small amounts, it will be super. I wish you great luck in your decision to have your surgery.
   — lisa L.

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