need financial assistance for tummy tuck

i need a tummy tuck really bad but can't afford that much. Does anyone know if there is any financial help or assistance I can get to help pay for this or any doctor that would let me spread it out in a few payments?    — kimber2 (posted on February 2, 2006)

February 2, 2006
I financed my tummy tuck through Capital One's cosmetic plan. If you have good credit, you can get a decent intersest rate (I think mine is 7 or 8%) and you can finance it for up to 5 years. I only had skin removed and no muscle work, but I only pay $120 per month.
   — Alicia K.

February 2, 2006
I was told by my surgeon that if your primary care Dr. thinks it necessary because of a chance of rashes and or infection that she can refer you to a Plastic Surgeon and Insurance would cover if it was medically neecessary. I would check with your Dr.

February 2, 2006
My tummy tuck/hernia repair was covered by my ins. plan but there were a lot of brocures that talked about applying for credit to cover cosmetic procedures. I would find out first if you can get it covered. I do know your panni needs to hang a certain amount. Good luck... Julie
   — J. Stinard

February 3, 2006
I'm also aware that Capital One will finance this surgery through its medical/cosmetic plan. I don't have great credit, so my loan was approved at 13%! The only problem with Capital One is that you have to find a surgeon on Capital One's list that will accept this plan. So many surgeons do not work with Capital One any longer because Capital One not only charges makes money from the patient by charging interest, but ALSO charges the surgeon a fee for participating in the program! Be aware that the list of surgeons on Capital One's list is not updated. You should verify with the surgeons' office manager/financial manager if they accept the Capital One financing. Good luck!
   — rhodest

February 3, 2006
There is a company called CareCredit that helps you finance a variety of medical/dental/specialty services. There's no interest, if you pay off the balance within their (rigid) guidelines. You can apply for the card online at I've used it for dental work and veterinary emergencies.
   — itsirk301

February 5, 2006
Have you checked with your insurance company? They paid for mine! I had a rash. If you accidently got some Nair under your belly flap it would leave one heck of a rash. Do you have lower back pain from the weight of the excess skin, is the ozzing from the rash causing an offencive odor, is it odor offencive to others where you work, do you have to take a change of clothes with you to work. Do you see where I am going? Find out what your insurance company needs and get it for them. Good luck! Jane
   — bygosch

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