how can i get my insurance to pay for my breast lift

how can i get my insurance company to pay for my breast lift. 1 year out..and i am getting rashes and nasty stuff under each! thanks to everyone!    — DEE DEE M. (posted on July 27, 2003)

July 27, 2003
dee dee your so not alone am almost a year out to and ive got alot of hanging skin I just got approved to see a plastic surgeon for myy tummy and thighs due to rashes I was able to make it medically nessary for them to see me and pay for it. Just go see your doctor couple of times spread out and get your rashes documented because if it is not documented most likly they will tell you. You have to pay out of your own pocket and really this should be consdired reconstructive surgery to repair the muscles that help keep our skin firm. any questions just email me.
   — sheri B.

July 27, 2003
My PS wrote that I don't want them bigger or smaller, just back where they belong. Photos speaks volumes and also the fact you have rashes etc... get as many docs to write a letter on your behalf. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

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