I am only taking 8 working days off from work after open RNY, Is this enough?


January 13, 2002
Your recovery time would depend on several factors including your age, physical condition prior to surgery, possible complications post surgery, the type of work you do, etc. You said you work at night; you may have some problems re-establishing your sleep patterns post surgery (secondary to anesthesia)- I know I did. Eight days doesn't sound long enough to me but then everyone is different. My doctor recommended 6 weeks before he would even let me drive to work and I work at a computer!
   — LLinderman

January 13, 2002
I am having open RNY on this Friday, January 18. I will have off the weekend and the following week and weekend and return to work on Monday, Jan 28. I only work half days, though, and I work for an attorney so Im pretty sedentary at my job. If I had to stay home for 6 weeks I would be nuts! Also, I had a caesarian back in 1989, and I was pretty much at 100% after a week. (no pain meds, doing all the regular stuff) It depends totally on you.
   — donnalawbabe

January 13, 2002
Like a previous poster said, everyone is different. Personally, I could not have gone to work 8 days after my open rny. I was feeling ok for having just gone through major surgery but most activity wiped me out for a week or so after I came home. I too had a ceserean (sp) and speaking just for myself, that was nothing compared to my wls. Others have the opposite experience. I would see how I felt and take it from there. Don't over exert yourself and be really careful about any lifting. Good luck to you with your surgery and with your postop recovery!
   — Donna L.

January 13, 2002
Is the 8 days TOTAL including the surgery day and hospital stay? If so NO NO NO. In my opinion that isn't enough time at all! Even if you have a sedentary job at night, being in the hospital is going to mess with your schedule and you are so tired after the surgery anyway. I just don't see how it would be possible. And that is if the surgery goes picture perfect. You would only be home for three or four days before returning to work. Please reconsider and try to take AT LEAST two weeks off.
   — Virginia N.

January 13, 2002
I agree with the other posts that everyone is different. I personally only needed the 2 weeks that I took off and felt as if I could have gone back after one. I worked 9 1/2 hours days from the 1st day I went back to work. Some desk work and some walking around work. My co-workers knew I had surgery and were very accomodating to me. I have always been tough (some say hard headed) and sometimes I can't believe that I actually had a surgery. I just had an unbelievable easy time of it and I'm still doin' great.(-60 lbs) Listen to your Dr. and listen to your body. They know what is best for you. Good luck....
   — Betty M.

January 13, 2002
If you're talking about work days off you might be able to make it with 8 depending upon how the weekends and holidays fall in there. Are you going back full time? I went back 1/2 time 17 days after my surgery and slowly worked my way up to full time over the next couple weeks. Whatever you do - don't overdo it! Take as much time as you can, you're going to need it to recover your strength.
   — georgiacarol

January 13, 2002
I had my open RNY on a Monday and returned to work full time the next Monday. I had absolutely no problems, I did have to get up and walk once an hour though, but that was not a problem. Just remember not to give into the pain.
   — [Anonymous]

January 14, 2002
I went back to work one week after surgery. I have a flexible schedule and took a nap in the afternoon and finished up some work in the evenings. I had no problem at all. As a matter of fact, with a 20 month old son (at the time) work was less exhausting than staying home and chasing him (now, however, I would rather chase him:-)) I all depends on who you are, how your body recovers, and if you have any complications. Keep the door open for more days off if necessary, but listen to your body.
   — Kierstin C.

January 16, 2002
I have a desk job and I returned 11 days after surgery. I personally think your body will tell you if you can't do it but I know if you get up and get going, you'll recover sooner. Years ago when they did major back surgery, they had you in the hospital for a week. I had 2 ruptured discs and was sent home the next day with no brace and I got better much sooner. If you can take the time without losing sick or vacation days, I would have taken 2 weeks but I did not have that option. As it turned out, it was for the best.
   — Yvonne McCarthy

May 24, 2002
8 days?? I was told by my Doc that I have to be out of work 6 week minimum! I am 2 weeks out from an open RNY and am so exhausted I cannot imagine going back to work. I am also 47 and an RN so maybe my age and work type has something to do with it. Heck if I can take 8 weeks I am going too!
   — Gina D.

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