Are Carbs and Sugar the same?

I am just curious to see if carbs and sugar are the same. I thought carbs broke down into sugar? So when reading a lable, I get a little confused if it says as an ex...1g sugar, 8 carbs, etc...ex. pasta can anyone eat spaghetti? I also found this sugar free Welches grape drink comes in the form of crystal light the little cups that make 2qts, has anyone experimented with soda or soda water. I would love to be able to mix a little with the welches but I understand the carbonation makes the pouch expand. Anyone tried tuna cassarole? Is it safe to eat? Also does anyone miss ice cream? I have to say I almost cried when my husband and family were watching the food network about the man who travels to all these diners and this one was about ice cream parlors. This will obv. be the hardest thing I have ever went through. Has anyone else wished they had went with the band instead or not gone through it. Obv I am still going through my mourning phase. Sorry for so many questions but the answeres help me SO much and thanks.    — taylaroses (posted on September 25, 2009)

September 25, 2009
They are not "the same", but sugar does have a large part in how many carbs are in something. For instance if you got the no sugar added ice cream it would have a lot less carbs than the low fat. Flour has a lot to do with the amount of carbs in something too. I have had no problem with any foods I've tried. I can eat rice, spagetti, etc... I also can drink diet coke and other diet drinks and alcohol doesn't effect me either. In fact I haven't been able to throw up since surgery. Sometimes I want to but can't. As far as ice cream... I used to eat it every night before surgery. But now it's WAY too sweet and I haven't craved it at all. I'm very happy with the decision I made to have the RNY. I do still have a lot of "head hunger" so instead of thinking with my head sometimes I have to "think" with my pouch. I hope that makes sense. Once you get used to your new way of life it will get easier. I hope that helped a little.
   — Melissa D.

September 25, 2009
My fear IS dumping so I do try to be extra careful almost to the point of fearful of the results ie. dumping. I do NOT want to dump so I am afraid to try things. I have tried the Taco Bell Pintos and Cheese and have done well with that. Tonight I am trying the chili from Wendys so far so good. It is nice to be able to feel normal and eat a little bit of normal food w/o having to feel deprived which does make me a little resentful. I will say though that I am craving salad. When can we eat salad or can we? What a bout popcorn like the fat free kind? I know everyone is different but I refuse to go through the rest of my life not being able to feel a little bit normal again.
   — taylaroses

September 25, 2009
Lisa, I can have any kind of lettuce at 9 weeks. I'm looking forward to that day! Also, I haven't tried it or know if we can. But Schwans has a fat free no suger added ice cream. Ask your nut about it!
   — stephturpin

September 25, 2009
Hi Lisa, It's good to ask questions, but your are right. Everybody is different. I am now 9 months post-op RNY and just recently dumped for the first time. It was indeed a horrible experience. I am extra careful when it comes to food labels so this one hit me by surprise. A small rule is to stay away from anything thathas sugar listed in the first 4 ingredients. Naturals sugars are fine and so is Splenda works great too. I don't watch carbs as much as I watch fat, but mainly I eat and think protien first......after that there is very little room for the rest. I just had popcorn for the first time, but realized they were empty calories so don't know if I'll do it again anytime soon. Don't think that you are not normal, by taking this route you are becoming more normal. (If there is such a thing.) Feeling and being healthy are so much more fun than eating popcorn! I'd beware of soft drinks even if you COULD tolerate them. The carbination is NOT good for our pouches. If any doubts talk to your nutritionist! Good Luck!
   — Fircrkr64

September 25, 2009
Wow Lisa lots of questions in one! All carbs are broken down into simple sugars by the body. But depending on the food all carbs don't have the same effect on the body and blood surgar levels, hence the glycemic index of foods. The lower the number the less the body has to do in order to convert the food into simple surgar. I will drink some carbonated drinks--i.e. flavored water, diet soda, if I pour into a glass with ice and let it sit for 5 minutes or so. I never have had any problems with this, when I have tired to drink a diet soda directly from the can it does give me a lot of bloating and gas pains. I would think tuna casserole would be ok if you make sure and chew all the ingredients well. I would make sure it's not too dry as this can cause problems. I am one of the 'lucky' ones in that I can eat ice cream--I have no dumping regardless of the food I eat. So when I get the urge for some ice cream I just go ahead and eat a small amount. I haven't found too many foods that I can't eat with the exception of some meats. If you have any more questions please feel free to email me directly at [email protected]. I am a certified OH group leader as well. Bob
   — rkurquhart

September 26, 2009
carbs turn into sugar. More refined foods like flour turn into sugar faster. 15 carbs= one serving. For ice cream Try Breyer's low carb vanilla. The band is not what makes the difference (got one) You are. Yes it takes time, and the mental changes are the hardest, but you can do it. Instead of watching TV food channels and torturing yourself, go to another room, read a book, take a walk, clean a closet. (stay busy) Idle minds....good luck Donna Banded 4/19/07 SW 303 cw 185
   — Donna O.

September 26, 2009
Lisa, carbs do break down into sugar. My suggestion for the missing of ice cream, is switch to nonfat and/or nondairy frozen yogurt. My yogurt place has a nondairy, sugar free strawberry banana that is to die for...Also, any carbonation should be a NO NO!!! It leads to the pouch expanding and the sugar free soda usually has aspertane which is a bad one too....Good luck
   — Banded7-27-09

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