Has anyone been brave enough to try diet soda yet???

   — Brenna (posted on November 28, 2005)

November 28, 2005
Yes, I've tried and throw up within seconds for about 15 minutes and it took about 30 minutes before my stomach settle down. It could depend on how long post op since surgery. I'm only 4 1/2 post op.
   — Charmaine C.

November 28, 2005
Hi yea alot of folks drink soda. Not good for you as you know.
   — shoutjoy

November 28, 2005
i am 5 months post op and i have lost 70 lbs and i just tried caffine free diet coke and it hasn't bothered me any but i drink it very slow and only drink one a day. hope this helps
   — hjdj70

November 28, 2005
i have lost 160 pounds drink two -four diet soads a day my dr. told me i was fine as long as they were diet no sugar had surgery 6-26-04
   — donnie

November 28, 2005
I personally wouldn't drink anything carbinated. My opinion is why bother getting the surgery if you're not gonna follow the rules. From what I understand drinking Pop or anything carbinated can stretch your pouch...and who want's to take that risk, I know I don't. But to each his own.. Good Luck.
   — Franca

November 28, 2005
My surgeon released me at 8 months post op to drink all I wanted as long as it was caffiene free diet. Ask your surgeon because they all are different. Some will, some won't. Best of luck to you!!
   — Sharon1964

November 28, 2005
If you're out about 6 months or more, diet soda will not physically hurt you (it can't stretch your pouch, unless somehow you've forgotten how to belch). It can, however, cause you to feel full, which can be a problem when you are trying to train yourself how to feel satiety with the modest and regular amounts of food you eat. The carbonation can cause some discomfort (particularly early on) which is never good. The general scourge of soda consumption is typically two-fold: first, it can be a trigger (many of us had associated drinking soda with fast food) and secondly, if it is not caffeine-free and not sugar-free it can be dehydrating and a source of needless carbs/calories. That's why the best advice is to avoid it as long as possible.
   — SteveColarossi

November 28, 2005
I can't touch pop after 5 years out. Actually I tried it at about 6 months out and it made me hurt so bad I have not had a sip since then.
   — Susan P.

November 28, 2005
I'm 2-1/2 years out and the two or three times I've tried a sip of carbonation was very painful ... enough so that I don't go near it.
   — Karyn B

November 28, 2005
I will agree, diet soda is not the best for us. However diet is better than regular! But yes, carbination can be painful. Personally I really enjoy a DIET pop with lots of artifical sweetner. The sweetner makes it taste like regular and the one side effect is it takes most of the bubbles out. Hence I can enjoy the taste without the pain! Try it!
   — Danmark

November 28, 2005
This may be incorrect but someone told me if you get the carbon out (shake it and let it get really FLAT) that you can safely drink it. I have not tried it though...Im only a little over a month out so I wouldnt dare try at this stage. Just an idea though if you are bound and determined to drink it :) I would kill for a diet dr pepper myself! hahaha
   — Tryna J.

November 28, 2005
My surgeon told me that if I was going to drink one, it had to be flat. No caffiene. Not to start a steady diet of drinking diet sodas. Hope this helps. Lap RNY 6/16/05 292/189
   — LilaDove

November 28, 2005
I had my surgery on 9/19/05 and I drink diet soda. My research has showed me that as long as you can burp (pass gas) that it can't hurt you. It does take calcium out of you, but as long as you are taking calcium, I don't think one can every now and then will hurt.
   — LaceyI

November 29, 2005
My nutritionist said not to drink it, and so did my surgeon. MY neice, however, had the surgery and drinks it all the time. She is down to a size small!!!!!
   — Novashannon

November 29, 2005
BARF!!!!!! (Literally)
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 2, 2005
Prior to surgery I drank 18-20 diet cokes or diet pepsi per day. i could not wait to have it again. even flat as they recomme3nded. i opened it in the fridge and let it go flat and looked at it as it went flat and dreamed of how it would taste when it was flat and i could drink it. i took one big drink and it tasted like potting soil. i dumped the can and spit out he cola and that was the end of it for me. alison in idaho -192

December 3, 2005
It's best if you never go back to drinking soda's! Diet or regular. There are poison to our bodies... do much better doing water. I have done wonderful 220 pounds off since June 2003! Would do it again in a heartbeat...glad to know I don't have to depend on a "soda" for a relief...
   — JStar

December 3, 2005
Aside from the fact that diet soda in general is not the healthiest thing in the world to drink, my surgeon claims it will not stretch the pouch or do any damage to it. If you can tolerate it, decaffienated, sugar free soda is the way to go. At almost 3 years post-op though, I don't drink it very often. I just got out of the habit, and have a bit once every month or 2. I am much more of a water or iced tea or coffee drinker. Decaf of course!!
   — Fixnmyself

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