Tricare and paying to have surgery

Hay everyone I need to know if anyone out there know where we can get work done on our body though tricare prime. I really need the sagging skin off my arms. I have had three rotator cl trars and my arms hurt.....    — kaybusk (posted on February 28, 2011)

March 1, 2011
I am on TRICARE for Life and as far as I have been informed TRICARE will not cover comsmatic surgery which this would be. I do know that MEDICARE will not cover it and TRICARE covers the same things. This type of surgery has been prohibited in Naval Hospitals for the past thirty years. I was lucky, I went from over three humdred pounds to 117 and have no sags left. I am only sixty eight and retired from the Navy in 1976. Good luck. Give TRICARE a call to verify what I have written.
   — Jim Christian

March 20, 2011
I have to agree with Jim. I have Tricare Prime and they will pay for the lower half of a pannalectumy (sp?) but not the top or any other cosmetic procedures related to gastric by-pass weight loss. It would be difficult to prove that the weight of the excess skin caused any of your issues. Sorry. If you get them to pay, let me know, I would love to have my arms done. Lisa
   — lisa L.

June 24, 2011
Correction to the previous answers. If it is deemed MEDICALLY NECESSARY (which in your case your doctor may feel it is) tricare WILL cover it :) Also from what I was told speaking to tricare directly they WILL cover ONE cosmetic surgery. Give tricare a call. I have been on both tricare prime and standard since 2003. My husband is active duty military, so maybe that makes a difference? I hope this helps, good luck!
   — brown_eyed_girl_1981

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