For migraines, taking Elavil with serious weight gain. Please help!

I've been suffering from migraines and the doctor placed me on Elavil over a year ago. I have serious weight gain and he prescribed Topamax to help with the weight lost. Unfortunately, the Topamax isn't working. I've asked for another migraine med that will not cause the weight gain and because this works to manage the migraines. I have Imitrex and it makes me sick to my stomach. Any suggestions to help me get ride of the weight and less migraine episodes?    — torramj (posted on January 16, 2011)

January 16, 2011
Maxalt. It comes in a disolvable tablet. I was on Imitrex and after taking two for more times than I can remember without relief I was finally switched to Maxalt and I love it! My doctor wanted to put me on Topamax as well but was horrified by the possible side effects of being sedated. Hope this helps.
   — Melany C.

January 16, 2011
Weight gain is the LEAST of your problems with regular elavil use. I have suffered chronic migraines of the three main types most of my life. Topamax does wonders on nerological migraines but if elavil IS working for you than you prob have some form of tension migrain. Bad news is that most of the 'migraine' meds like imatrex etc. won't work. Good news is that a mild muscle relaxer like Ativan in low doses should do the trick without the raunchy side effects that come with elavil. It is likely the muscle relaxer/sedative effect of the elavil that is working. If you aren't, you should be seeing a neurologist. My migraines were crippling for over 15 of my 35 years. I had another problem that took me to a neurologist and while he was treating that, we addressed the migraines. I thought the best I could do was treat them as they came... but I went from 3 - 4 migraines per every two weeks - each lasting a couple of days between pre, peak, & post - to over a year without ANY AT ALL. It has been life changeing. Everyone's migraines are different but figuring it out will change your world <3
   — Jeanette Hagar

January 17, 2011
I have suffered from migraines since I was 7 years old..I have been on so many different optopic medications and over the counter meds as well as anti depressants along with muscle relaxers seeking relief to no avail....for the past 10 7 years I have been on only two medications for them one is a preventative med which I take at bedtime and its called Propraponol what this one does is shrink the blood vessels in the brain...hence NO TENSION the other one is called RELPAX and this one I take ONLY at the onset of a possible other words AS SOON AS YOU THINK YOUR GOING TO GET A MIGRAINE you take ONE pill...the migraine discomfort should go away if by any chance it doesnt go away WITHIN TWO HOURS OF TAKING THE FIRST RELPAX PILL...THEN AND ONLY THEN AND REMEMBER ONLY AFTER TWO HOURS OF YOUR FIRST DOSE THEN YOU TAKE ANOTHER ONE...and that will go away....the tension the possible migraine feeling everything...the good thing about this is that it will relax you and you can actually rest from the tension...not in a way were you are groogy so you have to lay down or groogie when you wake up...but it will help you relax so that you can rest and give your body the time it needs to get over the trauma of a possible migraine....or should ask your doctor about for the most part the only one you take every night at bed time is the propraponol and the relpax you only take if and when you start or think your going to have a migraine.... I hope this helps
   — Jovanna P.

January 17, 2011
I have suffered from migraines since I was 7 years old..I have been on so many different optopic medications and over the counter meds as well as anti depressants along with muscle relaxers seeking relief to no avail....for the past 10 7 years I have been on only two medications for them one is a preventative med which I take at bedtime and its called Propraponol what this one does is shrink the blood vessels in the brain...hence NO TENSION the other one is called RELPAX and this one I take ONLY at the onset of a possible other words AS SOON AS YOU THINK YOUR GOING TO GET A MIGRAINE you take ONE pill...the migraine discomfort should go away if by any chance it doesnt go away WITHIN TWO HOURS OF TAKING THE FIRST RELPAX PILL...THEN AND ONLY THEN AND REMEMBER ONLY AFTER TWO HOURS OF YOUR FIRST DOSE THEN YOU TAKE ANOTHER ONE...and that will go away....the tension the possible migraine feeling everything...the good thing about this is that it will relax you and you can actually rest from the tension...not in a way were you are groogy so you have to lay down or groogie when you wake up...but it will help you relax so that you can rest and give your body the time it needs to get over the trauma of a possible migraine....or should ask your doctor about for the most part the only one you take every night at bed time is the propraponol and the relpax you only take if and when you start or think your going to have a migraine.... I hope this helps, it helped me, and I used to suffer from migraines in such a chronic way that I could not leave my home...I woke up with them and went to bed with I really didnt and couldnt sleep...this two help one another and helped me tremendously....
   — Jovanna P.

January 17, 2011
I new Elavil was a weight gainer but I didn't know how much. I take 25mg to handle the after surgery IBS. I take it at night, it seems to help me sleep better. I didn't know it works for migraines too, maybe that's why I have fewer headaches. I was on Topamax at one time too but it made me forget simple words. I could talk around the word but not know the word something as simple as the color red. I would say it's not Black but it's a primary color, oh what is it. My husband wasn't crazy about that game. lol. I know I didn't answer your question but I was sharing my experience with Elavil and Topamax since it's part of topic. I hope you find something that helps. I have found since surgery, smells can make me more nauseated causing me to feel like going to sleep to sleep it off. I stopped playing pool because the cigarette & alcohol at the pool hall were nauseating. I'm 2 years and a few months out.
   — Corina C

January 18, 2011
My doctor put me on Propanol it is for high blood pressure and worked great...i took it for a year, then he weaned me off of it and I am now 1 year migraine free/propanol free.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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