cost of Gastric Bypass can someone tell me?

hello i would like for someone who has had a bypass tell me the cost i get diffrent answers lol    — sweetntangy (posted on November 6, 2009)

November 6, 2009
mine was around 26,000 thousand.
   — carolyn1970

November 6, 2009
My doc priced it at 15,600. (But that doesn't include any pre-op procedures/testing/doc visits.)
   — jen_in_NJ

November 6, 2009
Mine was around 25,000 two years ago. (07)
   — lesleigh07

November 6, 2009
If I had to pay for mine it would have cost me $25,000.00.
   — FSUMom

November 6, 2009
My bills totalled about 26,000 and I paid 1000 out of pocket. I would think it varies depending on location and cost of living etc. Best of luck to you!
   — gpcmist

November 6, 2009
I will be having mine at St. Vincent in Cleveland self pay. My total cost will be $24,000
   — jfire204

November 6, 2009
The amount billed to my insurance company was approx. total of $66k including all tests. I had a $1,200 max out of pocket. With a PPO plan like I have they contract the pricing so ultimately the insur co paid around $29k. You will get varying amounts because of where you live, insurance plan, any complications or additional work like gallbladder removal, etc.
   — Arkin10

November 7, 2009
Just had mine done 10/26/2009. Self Pay. Surgeon 7,500. Hospital (overnight) 11, 000. Did not get bill from anesthsia yet. Although my insurance did not cover surgery (no co-morbidities) they did pay for all the testing.
   — jdbandit

November 7, 2009
sorry, that was for lapband.
   — jdbandit

November 7, 2009
Here is the breakdown for my surgeon in Sedalia, MO. DR--3750, Hospital, 17,500 and anesthesiologist--1600 for a grand total of 22,850
   — eyeflirt4fun

November 7, 2009
I just had lap RNY almost 4 wks ago and I got the hospital bill this past week, it was approximately $23,000 and that didn't include the charges from my surgeon.
   — hollysmiles2001

November 7, 2009
Between my co-payments and what the insureance did ad did not cover it all averaged at about 30,000.00 dollars. Out of pocket with this was about $3000.00. But the affects on my body, the practically painfree days, the increased energy, a better spirit; more smiling inside and out AND being taken off almost ALL of my medications.....PRICELESS !!!!! It is worth every payment. Good luck and I hope this helped
   — karensaporito

November 7, 2009
   — sweetntangy

November 9, 2009
At Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians (one of the best in the west)in Utah for the Docs and the hospital RNY was $18,900 for LapBand it was roughly $15000 and for the Duodenal Switch it was $25000. Those prices are from December of 2008 when I had my RNY. Good luck. Every surgeon is different and every hospital is different. My friend had the same surgeon but was required to use a different hospital by her insurance and the hospital portion was more expensive, but then she had insurance so she didn't care.
   — brindledanes

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