my boobs are huge, anyone need reduction before the wls?

my bra size is 52i. that;s off the charts. i am in agony my back is killing me so bad it is disabeling, my wls may take some time to get approval but i can't wait for wls. anyone in the same boat? my back is killing as i sit here typing it feels like my muscles are detatching from my chest and back to get relief i hold them up with my hands but i can't walk around all day like that.    — r4life (posted on March 15, 2007)

March 14, 2007
Hi, it seems that if you are having that much pain and problems with your back because of your bust size, insurance would pick it up as a medical necessity. I am not in the same boat by any means, but thought I would throw my two cents in....
   — Kari_K

March 14, 2007
Hi.. The only thing I can think of is to tell you that you will lose a lot of that bra size after surgery. Me, I wore a 44 DD before surgery and sixteen months later I wear a 36B. I hate to see you go thru two surgeries but I do remember that back pain well. Good luck!
   — KimY

March 15, 2007
Perhaps you could see a chiropractor? My mom has WLS in early 90s and saw one for years and though the pain relief was temporary and she had to go back every week, it was still relief! I would hate for you to have breast reduction surgery before WLS because you may need some reconstructive work after. My girls were 44DD when I had WLS and now they're just sagging skin. I'm praying I win the lottery so I can get a boob job! My mom did have breast reduction after WLS and it was a back pain, she can actually buy bras anywhere! Research and try to find the most supportive bra possible. A sports bra might help - with criss crossing in the back. If you see a chiropractor, or any doctor, don't be embarassed and ask them what could help. My thoughts are with you. Blessings!
   — platypus

March 15, 2007
You may want to has WLS first they will get a lot smaller
   — bntfive

March 15, 2007

March 15, 2007
Check out figurette bras. My mom wore them for many years. Then she had reduction surgery & wears 36B. Now it is my daughters turn. They are expensive but solid relief from back problems. Even one might get you thru until your approval. Good luck.
   — asinmouse

March 15, 2007
I had my breast reduction surgery in march of 2001, I was a 42M cup.. my doctor said that i was the largest he had ever seen.. it took him 13 hours to take 4.5 lbs from each side.. and then i was a 42 d/dd ... i just had wls surgery 7 wks ago. and i have lost 51 lbs.. down a size into a 40 dd.. but then again i am only 7 wks out.
   — jasonsexybabe

March 16, 2007
I understand you problem all too well. Insurance will cover the reduction mammoplasty b/c it is not considered cosmetic but rather medically necessary. I was nearly as large as you are now, and my gynecologist recommended reduction mammoplasty back in 1980 (my spine was beginning to curve), and I had the surgery in May 1981. It was the best thing I could have done for myself. I am now more than 3 1/2 years out from wls, and I am glad I had the breast surgery first because I can't imagine having to carry that load up front and trying to contend with surgical healing from wls at the same time. Also, breast surgery will allow you to live more comfortably while you wait for the wls. Even though my breast surgery was 26 years ago when I was 23 yrs old, I do remember what it felt like to be so out of breath and feeling like I was suffocating because of all the weight up front--afterwards, it was so funny to be able to look down and see my own feet. Have your primary care physician or another regular doctor you see petition your insurance company for approval for the breast reduction. I had no problems back then with healing (about 4 weeks off from work after about 4 days in hospital), and my insurance paid all but $85.00 of the surgery. What I remember most was how good I felt both mentally and physically. I plan to get a revision done on my breast eventually, but right now, I am pleased with the shape I am in. I would recommend having the breast reduction surgery first w/ at least a year in between the two surgeries. You will sag some after wls, but not anymore than most other women, and it can be handled with a revision if you choose. God bless you as you continue your journey toward a healthier "you."
   — MariaHBW

March 16, 2007
Find a site on ebay or the web called BRAMANIA, they have a very good selection of corfortable and afforable bras this might help with your problem pre-surgery. I checked today (16th) they had a 52j for sale on thier site. This is where I buy my bras. Hope this helps.
   — brenbrit58

March 17, 2007
Rosalind, I had a reduction in 99, now after WLS, I have no breast. boo hoo...
   — Kriola

March 17, 2007
Mine were not near that big. I was only a 48 DD or F, and my insurance covered it. My mother was close to your size and her ins. covered. It's not a bad surgery, but you stay sore for quiet a while. The worst day is the 2nd day, than it gets better. Good luck. I know what your going through.
   — lbutts

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