Could someone advise me on the types (brands) of vitamins and calcium pills they use?

I saw in a brochure where we can drink sugar free Carnation instant breakfast as a meal replacer, is this something we can drink as a protein drink?    — nycysiti (posted on June 21, 2006)

June 21, 2006
Opps! Try again, I do this at times when I am on the go but I add some protien powder to increase the protein amount. I usually use some sort of chocolate protein to make it really chocolately. Hope this helps. hw-313/sw-292/cw-177/gw-155
   — Laural D.

June 21, 2006
hey so i went to my nutristion apointment yesterday, this is what they told me and what i bought, centrum liquid 2 times a day i heard it taste bad though, you can work your way up to like flinstons chewables, i also got gnc's sublingual b 12 and there chewable calcium yes you can use the carnation as a meal sub when you are at that stage, but iti s good to add more protien to it! just what mine said it seems that alot of them say dif things. i hophelpse this
   — cyndie M.

June 21, 2006
My surgeon recommends the sugar free Carnation instant breakfast as a source of protein (but not the only source). I also take Centrum multivitamin and Caltrate calcium supplement plus vitamin d both are chewable and they taste ok. I am looking to find a good protein powder.
   — tia24tx

June 21, 2006
After my surgery I used centrum chewable multi vitamins, slow FE iron( they are small enough to swallow, Biotin from walmart( again small enough to swallow, Chewable vitamin C from walmart and I get sublingual B12 from walmart and I order tropical oasis liquid calcium citrate from www.bariatriceating. com. I like the Any whey protein powder because it's flavorless and you can add it to anything. I wouldn't recommend carnation because I don't think that has to much protein compared to how many calories they have. I would recommend protein delight from scientific nutrition. Or when you are ready I would recommend the south beach protein bars, or wraps. Zone perfect shakes and protein bars are also good. I hope i've helped, Jeannie
   — jjeanniespets1

June 21, 2006
Liquid B12 from GNC is Great, I get the B Complex. Which has all the B vitamins. The Liquid is better because you absorb more of it than the Pill - Once a day. For Calcium I use Caltrate - Lemon Flavor from CVS - 500 Mg , 3 Times a day - tastes great. Iron - I use Feosol , 45 Mg a Day usually I take in Morning. The Best Multi My doctor says is Flinstones taken twice a day. a 1 500mg Chewable Vitamin C. 5 Months Post op and no Hair loss as of yet, all my Blodd Levels perfectly normal. P.s They do not sell Sugar Free Instant breakfast, it is actually NO SUGAR ADDED. Solids are better if you can eat it, I use Instant Breakfast with Skim Milk to fight any hunger I have in between meals. I have Lost 100 Ilbs in 5 Months and 5 Ilbs away from my Goal Weight. Good Luck!
   — MikeL

June 21, 2006
I highly recommend a liquid vitamin. There's a great Full Spectrum one for men and women at They have a wonderful protocol for all of our needs and the delivery system makes the vitamins and minerals be absorbed fully into our cells. Centrum is not a good choice. Most of the nutrients pass through our bodies because they aren't in a good absorbable medium. There are also good vitamins sold at Curves.
   — LauraD

June 23, 2006
No such thing as sugar free Instant breakfast. Plus the fact that you have to add it to milk...which adds 12 more grams of sugar! For the tad of protein it gives you, why? There are many protein powders that are 0 grams of sugar, and packs a real wallop of protein....I'd say why bother with this stuff? Regards~
   — Statuesque

June 23, 2006
Carb Conscious Carnation Instant Breakfast has 24 grams of sugar for 12 grans of protein. That's W-A-A-Y too much sugar, IMNHO! My Champion Nutrition Pure Whey Stack, made with water, has 30 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar in 1-1/2 scoops. I do *not* use this as a meal replacement, but as supplement. I have a shake *before* I eat, as it reduces cravings, curbs hunger, and provides satiety that I don't get with eating food. I get this and all my vites from, where everything they carry is good for us. I used UpCalD & Bariatric Advantage for calcium. Dinosaurs or BA chewable vites. Dry A, dry D & dry E. BComplex, Zinc, iron. VitaLady can help with a vites regimen. Good luck! :o)
   — rayehawk

June 24, 2006
I use Carb Concious Carnation Instant Breakfast with GNC Tasteless Whey Protein added. Gives 30 grams of protein. With milk and ice cubes tastes great! I also purchase Vista Vitamins straight from their website. It might seem pricey at first, but really isn't when you consider it's everything we need is included in the four capsules and that it is specially formulated so that we can absorb it all. My doctor told me to add an additional iron after my 6 month blood work-up. So all in all it's 4 pills in the morning (vista's) one iron at lunch, four vista's in the evening and the protein shake whenever I feel I haven't done enough protein via food. I find it's just easier for me to handle this way! Good luck to you.
   — KDFJones

July 2, 2006
I eat Viactiv Calcium Chews w/ vitamin D. I eat 2 a day. They give me just enough sweet taste (like a small pc of candy and plenty of calcium). I'm 17 mo post op and still can't find a multivitamin that's small enough to take without choking on it; a chewable that isn't bitter; nor a liquid I can take w/o gagging. So I'm no help there. I just eat foods high in vitamin sources. Always have excellent labs. I use liquid B12 and sublingual B12.

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