Does anyone know the amount of Protein, Sugar, Fat

Does anyone know the amount of Protein, Sugar, Fat, calories, carbs... that we are suppose to have daily for GBS?    — * S. (posted on May 10, 2011)

May 10, 2011
Hi your amout of protein is supposed to be 50 to 60 grqms a day minimum....if ur able to do more great..this is hard to do I know, but try your hardest...tuna, chicken, peanut butter, peanuuts, eggs, tofu, spinash are all great proteins...pure them or make smothies...and add extra protein powder.....sugars are none....your not supposed to have any added sugars of anu kind...if anything and if allowed by your nutritionist drink juice but diluted....these would be natural sugars that come from fruits....rather eat a piece of fruit than drink a glass of pre packaged juised...or just buy a juicer and make your own juice....0.05 grams of fat if any....or a 1/2tsp to 1tsp in total of olive oil for consumption in like salads etc...very low carbs the lower the better....just remember total numbers...not in will get easy I promise....
   — Jovanna P.

May 11, 2011
Everyone's Dr. will recommended different amounts. Mine said Protein - 65/85grams preferrably more. fat - 25 grams or less, Carbs 120 grams or less. Sugars - No more than 11 grams. He said to eat Proteins first, then veggies, and if you're still a bit hungry, then a carb. He did not restrict me from carbs, only said to eat very moderately. I myself know I can not eat them daily. So I fill up on protein, and veggies. I do splurge on a sweet treat such as Skinny Cow bars, once a week...but usually I do not find myself craving sweets any longer. Once you get away from sweets and carbs, you will loose the craving for them. Good luck with your losses!!
   — Lisa1212

May 11, 2011
I still follow 60-80grams of protein, also anything that is package has to be less than 5 grams of sugar. SO try sugar free with Splenda. It's been 1 year post for me. I take a protein shake for breakfast with non-fat milk, with one banana and 1 scoop of muscle milk. Lunch either Smart one. Lean cuisine dinner meat or chicken with salad or veggies. I drink Crystal light.
   — valadezboys3

May 11, 2011
My recommendation from doc was at least 60 grams of protein, 20 grams of fat or less, and NO CARBS. i avoid sugar as much as humanly possible because i am sensitive to it. Look up dumping syndrome. UGH!! there are sugars in some foods so read the label. i know for me if the label goes above 8 to 10 grams of going to pay for it. Good luck!
   — lady_myst

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