swallowing capsules

I know that we're not supposed to swallow pills bigger than an aspirin, but can we swallow capsules?    — origamistar (posted on May 16, 2009)

May 15, 2009
My surgeon told me to empty my capsules and crush any tablets. This has been the nastiest thing I have had to adjust to. Kevin
   — hapkidodoc

May 16, 2009
I could not swallow ANYTHING chunky for years post op...I do not have a clue how anyone can swallow any hard pills at all the first year/s post op. I was told to not swallow anything larger than a baby aspirin (no aspirin ...just an example of size)...I even chew uncoated tylenol tablets into very small pieces/parts for fear of getting it stuck.. As for capsules, I too open them and swallow as fast as I can with small sips so I don't hurt myself...Gulps can hurt when you are trying to get something GROSS to go down fast! I panic when I swallow anything that I have not chewed to death! BUT...after a few years and some super disgusting tasting vitamins/meds...I have learned to swallow a large powder filled capsule of B-100 vitamins as well as a large Dry Vit E capsule which tastes GROSS enough to help me learn to swallow caps!. They are enormous...but the idea of swallowing the powder makes me gag just thinking about it! I have to wet my throat with water first..then swallow the capsule with a several small sips at a time to ensure it goes down. I have gotten a capsule stuck to my throat without wetting it first and had to sip warm tea (or water) until the derned thing melted and it took a good 30 minutes before it didn't feel stuck anymore...I would NOT suggest swallowing any large capsules the first year...Our stomas are the size of an eraser the first months and eventaully stretch to the size of a nickel which would allow us to swallow capsules...If you have a capsule going down sideways, you feel it! I still feel those big caps!...If it gets stuck you are going to taste that for a good half hour til it melts and you might as well open the cap...pour the liquid in some applesauce (NO SUGAR ADDED) or into several small smooth peanut butter balls and swallow it that way...Apple sauce was the easiest for me until I could be a big girl and swallow my capsules which if you want to know the truth, took me 5 YEARS before I could learn how to swallow caps!! LOL Yep I couldn't do it til recently...and I still have some now and then trouble! Good luck!
   — .Anita R.

May 16, 2009
My dr had me taking all my meds just like I had prior to the RNY. Capsules, tablets, whatever. I take 4 at a time and have not had any problems. Kathy
   — Kathy Thomas

May 16, 2009
I think everyone is different. My doctor had me swallowing certain pills right in the hospital. I take them one at a time and thankfully, I've never had an issue with anything getting stuck. LAP RNY 2-21-08, Started at 374 down to 220. Good luck! :-)
   — dsmuffin

May 17, 2009
Check with your doctor. My doctor told me she didn't have a problem with me taking capsules but everyone is different.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 17, 2009
My doctor told me that capsules are designed to desolve within 10 minutes, so I stopped opening them up to take them. I take them with water and nothing else for a while, so it will dissolve before I am ready to eat anything else. When I did open them up, I put them onto a spoonful of pudding. That helped with the taste.
   — Linda J.

May 17, 2009
My doctor told me to let them rest in my mouth just until they were softened, then swallow. What I do is: put them in a spoonful of yogurt to soften, then swallow the yogurt with the capsule inside. Slides sown great! Feels fine in the tummy!
   — Brenda Ashcraft

May 20, 2009
I thought it was OK to swallow capsules, but it was NOT! Seems there is nothing to break down the gel around the capsule. So all you get is the capsule, but nothing breaks down. VERY important! you must open the capsule.TRUST ME, it is important.
   — Supermom2008

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