If Dear Ole Aunt Flo shows up right before sugery will they still do surgery?

I know this is a little personal, but someone out there has been there or has the same question. My periods do not come regularly,my surgery is 2-12-2009 and I am just wondering if dear ole Aunt Flo shows up before surgery will they still do surgery? I know that one dosent have anything to do with the other but I don't know it they would still do surgery. Thanks for your answers:0) Stacie    — sse032568 (posted on January 31, 2009)

January 31, 2009
Oh do NOT worry...Surgeons have seen blood before! LOL I'm playing...seriously though...I got mine DURING surgery...Woke up with it...Bring your own pads...the ones at the hospital, they are enormous and you can't walk with them on! They remind me of Subways foot long! LOL I'm sorry, long day...I feel silly
   — .Anita R.

January 31, 2009
Don't worry! It will still go as plan. But just like the post above...bring your own pads. I had mine during surgery. The nurses was great to me!
   — scsunshine74

January 31, 2009
Stacie, Relax, unless you have some problem with your periods you should be fine. And they will screen you and monitor you all thru the surgery. Bring your own pads. Also comfortable clothing. Good Luck and God Bless, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

January 31, 2009
Yup, they will, and if they give you anticoagulants postop, it might come early, so make sure you have stuff with you at the hospital and stuff at home. Good Luck!!
   — Shirley D.

January 31, 2009
Mine came right when they were putting in my IV getting me prepped for surgery. It had been absent for 7 months prior, so it showed up, and made up for lost time. I think it was the heaviest period ever in my history. You should get one of those long handled wipers, if you are having an open surgery. Just ask for help, that's what the nurses and aides are for. Sometimes they can't read your mind, about what you need, even if you feel they should. They have you wear little mesh panties when the catheter is still in. No worries!!
   — tinalvn

January 31, 2009
Hi Stacie, My surgery is 2-11-09 (yea us) and my periods are very regular and I am due on the 10th. I did ask my surgeon the same question. He said that would not be a problem. I am having the lap band...what are you having? We should keep in touch if you are getting the same procedure. I have been living like I already have the band and something has come over me this last two weeks that I am finding myself "mourning" food. I am sure I will get over it once the tape measure starts showing results. Good Luck. Kimberly
   — kfgates

January 31, 2009
This was something no one had warned me about, but since I have discovered it is quite common for "Aunt Flo" to show up - sometimes a few days prior to surgery - sometimes during surgery - sometimes right after. They said it can be because of the stress of surgery. Anyway, I had started menopause about a year ago - and my period started 5 days prior to surgery - and lasted until about 3 days after! Absolutely crazy! But the nurses deal with this all the time - there is no reason to cancel surgery - but I do agree with the other posters - bring your own pads (they won't let you wear tampons during surgery). I know it is embarrassing for us, but they are used to it.
   — Wendy M.

January 31, 2009
Yes they will... It will be OK. Good luck.
   — maria09elena

February 1, 2009
YEs and don't be surprised if you get it reight after surgery take pads to the hospital.
   — SharonZ

February 1, 2009
they did mine ...the hospital wouldn't let me wear my underwear..they gave me these gause ones...but other than that all went well.
   — gpcmist

February 1, 2009
Lucky me, I got mine the day after surgery (a week early), the good news is....the pain meds worked great for cramps! LOL! The next month I was almost 2 weeks over due so I called the Dr., she explained that it is totally normal to have an early or late cycle because of the surgery. I told her I was ok with that, I just wanted to make sure they hadn't "untied" anything while they were in there....she laughed. Of course I was just kidding, but I seem to be back on track by the 3rd month.
   — Laurie H.

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