Iron tolerance????

I started taking my vitamins about 1 month before surgery. 1 week post op I was told to add them again. I opened 2 of my iron capsules and put them in a protein shake. About 15 minutes after I was done, I thought I was going to die, my stomach hurt like never before, I was nauseated, and it took me 3 days to have a bowel movement. Needless to say, I quit taking them for now. Anyone else have this problem?    — my_journey (posted on May 7, 2008)

May 7, 2008
I could not take Iron orally. It made me so contipated that it caused a fisssure that was so painful. I ended up haing to have Iron IV'S and then I had to have edometrial ablation. once i did that my iron was good. I actually gave blood a few months ago. Stay away from Iron pills.
   — Joanc

May 7, 2008
I know there is a terrrible reaction if you mix iron and calcium. Perhaps the shake had calcium. Lots of fiber helps. Fibercon is my favorite.
   — bariatricdivalatina

May 7, 2008
Never take iron with dairy, eggs, coffee, PROTEIN SHAKES...or calcium supps. Take Iron alone with Vit C as ascorbic acid. Iron Salts such as Ferrous Sulfate are very harsh on WLS people and not absorbed well if at all. The salts are very toxic and harsh to your body and the reaction you had is typical. Take a WLS friendlier Iron that is non-toxic, not expensive, such as Carbonyl Iron (Tender Iron) I have been anemic and since taking the Tender Iron for two months I have raised my Iron levels (still need them higher) and my red blood counts back into normal ranges. (which were dangerously low) You can chew the ones I get from or try it in the Bariatric Advantage has changed it's formula to a carbonyl iron too! Much gentler! Much more absorbable too! Good luck
   — .Anita R.

May 10, 2008
With RNY surgery we lack the intrinsic factor, so our bodies cant absorb the iron or calcium we need, that is why it is recomended by some doctors we use calcium CITRATE, and the iron pill is called TRINSACON Rx, this is specialy for people who lack the intrinsic factor, RNY, stomach removal due to cancer, and a few other reasons. My iron was low and this didnt make me sick or give me unwanted side effects either. Rose
   — wizz40

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