Can I absorb regular iron supplement?

About a month ago, my physician's office left me a voicemail stating my iron was low and I needed to start a iron supplement right away. I went to CVS and bought regular iron supplement. However, this week another WLS person told me that gastric bypass pateints cannot absorb regular iron supplement? Do I need to invest in another iron supplement that is made specifically for WLS people?    — jewels-okla (posted on March 19, 2008)

March 19, 2008
No, you had an RNY and it goes through you too fast. You can get one that works, and I know it because I fought being anemic for 4 months unitl I tried Building Block from Thay make a chewable and a tablet form. Order 30 MG and take one morning and evening. Don't take at the same time you take cacalum or sysnthroid, if you have a thyrod problem. Building Block Products are made strickly for Bariatrics WLS patients. Good company with good product for those that need to absore their Vit. and minerals fast. Also try their B-12 spary. Help my engery levels and stop me having to go get shots. --Bill Mills
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 19, 2008
I just found out recently that I am already anemic too and was ordered to rest and not use too much oxygen to fight with my blood that is lacking it right now and so I have been doing some heavy duty reading...You do need a good bariatric recommended Iron... Before research...I tried several that made my stomach so upset I finally used them for fertilizer on my lawn (Works great on the lawn! Nice and green!) I am new at this so I really do not know what works yet or that anything will work orally. Being a woman, you lose much of your iron in your monthly cycle. So even if you do begin to build your lose it again every month! It really is a problem for us women. I used "Vitron-C" for a few days as it is one that WLS doctors recommend (Ferrous Fumarate) and it left my pouch miserable and the taste of metalic in my mouth all day. My favorite and very tasty easy on the tummy and after all my research seems to be a good match for us bariatric women...Iron amino-acid chelate. I use a Natures Plus Chewable (taste like berries)...2 a day. I don't have much hope that it will work to restore my Blood to healthy Iron and oxygen levels as long as I am menstruating. My doc just wants to give it a try before we start Blood transfusions and Iron infusions. I am not looking forward to these things...That's is why I have done as much very frustrating research. The problem with iron too is that it is very toxic (lead poison) SO PLEASE be very careful not to over dose. That is my trouble now and I am afraid I can take too much and if I don't take enough I need someone's blood to replace my own! All I do know is that most iron needs stomach acids for absorption and we do not have enough of that...Iron is also absorbed in the first part of our intestines...unfotunately for us...That has been bypassed! See the problem? Vitamin C helps you absorb too...The reason I chose an iron as an acid (like stomach acid)is hoping it absorbs.... I wish you much luck with this...Hopefully you are not too far low and can build your bodies Iron stores back up before any radical treatments! I wish I had a better answer for you...or that you had one for me! I'm in the same boat as you right now!
   — .Anita R.

March 19, 2008
Since we absorb less, so we're supposed to take supplement with iron twice a day, with meals makes it easier to take
   — Susan C.

March 19, 2008

   — Lil' Booty

March 20, 2008
I bought my iron supplement from Walmart. I take it once a day and that was all I needed to get my iron back up where it should be.
   — Carlyn M.

March 20, 2008
what kind of vitamin are you taking? Try taking a prenatal vitamin, which is very rich in iron. You do not have to take a vitamin for WLS people. If you need additional iron that you are not getting from a prenatal vitamin, iron suppliments are fairly inexpensive, but do take caution, you can take too much iron. Are you taking your vitamins and calcium separately, (at least 2 hours appart?) This could also affect absorbtion of the vitamins and calcium, even if you are taking the correct amount. What did your Dr.'s nutritionist tell you ? It always best to ask them first how they want to handle things, and don't be afraid to ask for specific instructions. Good luck Jeanne, ( who struggles with iron deficiency herself)
   — Jeanne Aldrich

March 20, 2008
Before going out and spending a bunch of money on a special "WLS iron pill" (which I'm sure will cost a lot of money, ask your doctor to re-check your iron. "Hello, Dr. Smith, I've been taking regular iron but I'm concerned I might not be absorbing it due to my surgery, could you re-check my blood?" :) Good luck.
   — mrsidknee

March 20, 2008
Hi Julie, thanks for writing. I have low iron, but not really bad. The first thing I keep in mind is iron when I am eating. Food is always the best way to get your nutrients. Look up a protein or iron website and see which foods are rich and can aid your diet. Next, I went to GNC and got a capsule that is better at absorption, but I only take it every other day or every 3rd day because I am trying to avoid constipation. Keep in mind that Iron can cause that. Build up with food first, and find a capsule that will absorb quickly. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

March 21, 2008
What I use is a product recommended by my doctor called Fergon. I found mine at Walgreens but it is readily available at most drug stores. I take 1 per day 2 hours from all calcium. I just had my 3 month labs & everything was good so I am sticking with this one.
   — naebrs

March 23, 2008
I've never used a WLS specific product (was no such thing in the 90's), but I've used Tender Iron for many years now. It's small, cheap, chew or swallow, small dose, so you adjust to your need. Iron is always taken with vit C, alone together for one hour. You can take it with fruit or veggie (juice is too high in sugar), but not with: caffeine dairy egg whole grain other vites, minerals or meds
   — vitalady

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