I am rethinking my decision is that normal??

I am so nervous today. Thursday is D-day, and while I know it must be normal to feel anxious and question everything, I am still sitting here wondering if I will be that one statistic that has a terrible experience. Will I die? Oh my gosh...nothing like going to the extreme, right?? Hand holding is definitely needed. I don't know how to get an angel, either. :) Thanks, Lisa    — Lisa S. (posted on December 4, 2007)

December 4, 2007
Hi Lisa, I had that same feeling the days before my surgery.But do understand that your life will be better once this is done. The risks of being overweight override the risks of surgery greatly. If you would like to talk more feel free to send me a message. Sonya
   — sonyaracene

December 4, 2007
Hey Lisa, Understandable.... I was nervous too, but by the time my actual day rolled around, I was so ready. I kinda felt like my destiny was already written, including perhaps my death or anything that came out of the experience. Now if I felt very uneasy the day OF surgery.... no reason you can't postpone it... listen to your intuition too, maybe you don't like the anesthesiologist, or?? LOL!! Hugs and Blessings!! -christi
   — ChristiMNB

December 4, 2007
I think it is normal. I was ok until they wheeled me into the preop room and then I had a meltdown wondering if I was doing the right thing and would I make it through. I think everyone at some point goes through it. You will be fine. Think happy thoughts. Good luck!
   — DsneGrl

December 4, 2007
I wasn't that nervous, but I was extremely worried about dieing until I realized I had the best surgeon in Atlanta-- in Georgia even and ranked 2nd in the United States! I prayed a lot, and just knew things would be ok and God would get me through this. I've had no complications, and great support/follow ups from my surgeon's office and all of my friends and family. Hang in there, afterwards there will be plenty of time to ask yourself "What in the _ell did I do this?" LOL we have ALL said that within the first month of having RNY. But at 7 1/2 months out I'd do it again in a heart beat! I have dropped 129 lbs and I feel sooooo great, just aggrivated at my now slow weight loss, but at least I'm still losing! Hang in there, this IS completely normal. Good luck, God bless and see you on the losing side!
   — crystalsno

December 4, 2007
I had the same apprehension as you. I had never had any surgieries that required an operating room or staying in a hospital. I attended multiple bariatric support groups, and spoke to patients of the doctor I selected. I also spoke to his patients as I was going through the initial consulatation phases. I knew that my doctor has a lot of experience in this surgery, and that he tought other doctors on how the procedure should be done. I knew he had been doing this surgery for about 9 years, and that he had done over 2000 surgeries. I called this "doing homework". I'm glad I did. Everything turned out fine. I still attend the support groups, as they are important for success. All of my doctor's patients rave about his abilities and his compassion. Hopefully, you have the same type of doctor. Knowing what I found out, I was eager to get the surgery, with no complications at all.
   — Dave Chambers

December 4, 2007
Lisa, I must tell you, I couldn't wait for the big day. I was so excited. Everything I had prepaired for was finally comming true. I knew it was the day that would change the rest of my life for the best. It will change your life too. You'll see. Everything will be just fine. Relax and go with the flow. This is what you need for good health, right? I'm excited for you!! You will do awsome. Sherry =.)
   — tutty8buckwheat

December 4, 2007
Hi Lisa, I was exactly the same way - for weeks before surgery. Everyone kept asking me if I was excited since it was getting so close and I was definitely NOT excited. I was excited when I got approved, when I got a date, and when it was months away - in the future - but as it drew nearer I was NOT excited, just anxious and scared. I never once thought about canceling it though - no matter what, I had complete peace by God that this was the right thing to do and I had to face my fears - for my own life and health. I LIVED by the verse "I can do all things through Christ, who strenthens me" (Phillippians 4:13). I just had my surgery last week, 11/26 (lap Rny) and I will admit the first week was the worst week of my life. But today I went to Wal-mart!!! And I'm feelling so much better and yes, I have many thoughts of "I wish I had not done this so I could EAT" but I know that is head hunger that I keep getting. You will do fine!!!! I have written a very long and detailed description of my surgery and first week on my blog if you want to read it. I always found it very comforting to read other people's experiences. Good luck!!!! You are going to be fabulous!!!!! The worst part is the first week, but does not last forever. I will pray for you!!!
   — itzmetami

December 4, 2007
I was so scared, if I could of only got a glimpse of my post op life I would of jumped on that operating room table. Geez that was over 6 years ago, WLS was the BEST decision I EVER made!
   — bob-haller

December 4, 2007
You will not die. Do not worry. I was so excited and relieved that I was finally taking control of my life and not letting food control me anymore. You will do GREAT!!! HUGS to you !!!
   — Carlyn M.

December 4, 2007
My "hand" is extended and my "arms" are HUGGING!!!! Good Luck!
   — Toni Todd

December 4, 2007
Lisa...UR totally normal in your feelings of - OMG WHAT AM I DOING!! We all go through it. Mine hit about a week b4 surgery. Just take it one minute at a time if you have to. Read success stories, talk about your feelings with someone; air it out....U will do GREAT!!
   — jammerz

December 4, 2007
Are you normal, of course you are... I felt the same way as you and I can tell you I was still wondering while waiting in the pre-op staging area... I think it wouldn't be normal to have these most important questions on your mind. But, 14 days out, I know that I couldn't have made a better decision. You obviously didn't enter into this lightly (which is good)... feel confident in your decision! If you'd like to talk on the phone, feel free to drop me a message with a number or number request in my messages. Blessings, Leslie
   — LuvNSummer

December 4, 2007
Lisa Yes I know how you feel I have my lap ryn on Dec 26 and I was up last night tossing and turning thinking the same thing...what if what if what if !!!!!?????? So I guess for some of us this is normal to feel this way. Good luck and my thoughts and prayers are with you! Blessings Tina
   — inatiff

December 5, 2007
Hello Lisa, I too had the same feelings.. So I think its normal :) My surgery was Aug 13th, of all days.. :) But it was the best thing that has happened to me. I did have two Pastors there that gave me a prayer and that took all my worries away. I wish I could tell you how to get an Angel but Im not sure, I didn't have one but would have liked one. I think the excitement over getting rid of this excess body weight helped me push through and just do it. This is a decission that you alone have to make, just know that you will be in my prayers. If you can, will you let everyone know how it went for you? God bless you Paula PS Remember that the doctors are there to help you in anything. And they have been trained for many years. :) that also got me through the surgery.
   — japaad

December 5, 2007
My surgery is Dec 12 and I have the same thoughts. My doc says it is completely normal. This is MAJOR decision and a major life change. I worry about crazy things and wonder if I really want to give up eating like I can now. But deep down I know I am doing the right thing for myself and my family.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 5, 2007
Thank you to all of you for your kind words and encouragement! I am totally mourning the loss of food, already. I know you guys know what I mean! :) Anyway, I felt those prayers, and just wanted to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I will go in tomorrow, and my life will change, but it will be for the better. Food will not defeat me this time! :) Love to all....
   — Lisa S.

December 5, 2007
Lisa, you might die as a result of an auto accident while on your way to the hospital for your surgery. Or you might die on the table during surgery. Or, you might die on the trip back home from the hospital afterward. The thing you need to do with your surgery is what you do for everything else you d in life - and that is: Consider the benefit/risk ratio. When you drive to your local shopping mall, there is a risk that something dreadful will happen. There is also the risk of what will happen if you do not make that trip. Getting this needed surgery will greatly decrease your risks of heart attack and and a bundle of other life threatening medical conditions associated with being morbidly overweight. That word "MORBID" really means something. It's ultimately YOUR decision but please "weigh" the benefits of getting the surgery against the negatives (risks) of continuing to weigh too much.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 5, 2007
Lisa, I had lap band surgery on Tuesday and felt the same way - I was in tears being wheeled into the OR. I'm only a day and a half out and sore, but am not regretting my decision at all. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 5, 2007
Hi Lisa, I felt the same way for my surgery done on Nov 26th. My thoughts were that the benefits of this surgery out weigh the cost of staying overweight. I am hoping that it will eliminate many if not all of my current health problems. I don't know your situation but in most cases it is most beneficial to proceed with surgery. Say a pray and leave it in God's hands. I'll keep you in my prayers. Good luck....
   — IrishSpirit

December 6, 2007
We all go through this trust me. I cried and secretly said goodbye and I love u to some folks just in case. Just breathe and get ready for your life to change...If you have done all your research and planning then you have done all you can do. By the way one thing I wish I was told before WLS is that you should start putting away money no for the wardrobe change you will go through every 6 to 8 months.
   — davesband1

December 10, 2007
Lisa, you got some great answers to your fears about the surgery. Regarding an angel, go to the California forum and post a message there asking for an angel. Some great people there and hopefully at least one will respond promptly.
   — KRWaters

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