Is it ok to take gasX?

I am 4 days post-op and I feel like a Macy's Parade balloon. I dissolved two gasx in tee. Is that ok?    — beccay10 (posted on February 7, 2010)

February 7, 2010
My nurse said it was fine. As a matter of fact she said you may need it after the surgery.
   — przybylc

February 7, 2010
I was told it would not help because it is gas in the cavity of your body not in the digestive tract, but hey if it works then great!
   — ladyrdhk

February 7, 2010
My surgeon recommended it and it helped me a great deal. The gasX with walking combined did the trick most of the time.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 7, 2010
so is this a continuing problem for most folks? I had a gastric sleeve 6 weeks ago and I am constantly blown up. I seem to need gasx two or three times a day. Will this continue, and is it safe to take so much gasx for a long period?
   — pshock

February 7, 2010
My doc recommends that brand - in the strip form. Don't have to dissolve them anywhere but your tongue. They help some. More with the empty belly sensation in my opinion. Mostly it's the walking that will help with the surgical gas used to inflate your belly cavity. It has to be absorbed thru the circulatory system but moving around helps to displace any pockets (upper shoulder area is most common). Hang in there, this is the worst of it. It gets better & easier with each passing week.
   — Arkin10

February 7, 2010
I actually had to take it days after surgery.Did excellent with works quick wishes.
   — carolyn1970

February 7, 2010
Gas -X id my new best friend. I don't go anywhere without it, cuz ya never know. It works in a big hurry. I chew the tables followed with a swig of water and have no problem.
   — katiecakes

February 8, 2010
I freakin' live on GasX!! It's my new best friend.
   — maryjo68

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