Postop Chewable vitamins/minerals and calcium citrate/Vit D

If anyone has any good suggestionsabout good chewable or liquid vitamins please let me know. I am also having trouble finding calcium citrate and vitamin D in a form I will be able to take after surgery. My date is July 25th and I am sooooooooo excited but I really want to be prepared before I come home postop. Thanks for any and all suggestions, Jackie    — RN2B2009 (posted on July 4, 2008)

July 4, 2008
I just use Centrum Chewables, 3/day, not bad but for variety I also got Flintstones so I have three different flavours and I can switch them up.....someone might tell me here if this is not recommended...why I'm really writing is to pass along a tip....I had may Lap RNY last Saturday....for the first two days I could not eat, I was nauseous whenever anything passed my lips...they wanted me to drink water, eat broth, drink tea, no way could I even think about it......I just balked......and did I mention I was TERRIFIED!!!!!!! What had I just done? I was going to die because I'd never be able to eat again......BUT THEN.....I kept hearing people getting ice chips for other things, everybody was getting ice chips, so I asked the nurse if I could have some, first they said no but seeings that nothing else worked, what the hey!!!!! Dr said go for it and she gave me a big carafe of them....little by little I would melt the ice chips in my mouth and it would feel good going down and it didn't make me sick....I did that for about a day and maybe a little more....then they asked me to just try some apple juice, just a little......and I put ice chips in it and sipped a problem.....then I put it in plain problem....then I started eating I can get just about anything down my throat without feeling the least bit sick.......this all took place within two days....the third day I went shopping!!!! And I've been fine ever since. My biggest no overfill your pouch...I wasn't really paying attention and drank too much Chicken Noodle Broth and have been uncomfortable and it is manageable.....I went out today and bought small sip bottles and small plastic cups and put the broth or juice or whatever in that in order to no overeat. Not just me.......the girl in the next room from me had a gastric sleeve, she vomited for three straight days, I didn't hear about it because I was dealing with my own issues but when I heard and went over and told her to try the ice chips....the next day she was drinking water etc etc...... So if it happens to chips my dear.....the miracle drug!!!!! And good luck....there may be a minute there when you think....What the F!!!!!!!'ll get over it real quick!!!! I've already lost 8 lbs and haven't been hungry since June 27th!!!!!! I can't wait to get back to my normal life!!!!!!
   — Fredricka MacLean

July 4, 2008
At Sunshine Heath Center in Fort Worth, I found liquid vitamins that are sprayed into the mouth. You pump six sprays once each day. CELLFOOD MultiVitamin 100% RDA Formula A highly bioavailable oral spray with all natural Vitamins A, D and E Lumina Health Products At first I wasn't too crazy about the flavor but am getting accustomed to it.
   — gailromania

July 4, 2008
I take Bariatric Advantage orange chewable vitamins, 2 a day. For calcium & vitamin D I take UPCAL-D, it's powdered, one scoop or packet which ever you choose to take is 500 mgs of calcium citrate and 250 IU's of vitamin D, I take 3 packets a day myself. I order my Bariatric vitamins from Ebay but you can get them anywhere online just about, and the UPCAL-D I order from AMAZON. COM. I use the powdered in the can for home and carry the packets in my purse when I'm out and at work. Good luck with your surgery on July 25th, you don't have much longer.
   — DEBI R.

July 4, 2008
Don't know if you have a Costco store in your area, but I got my chewable vitamins there. They are Kirkland (the Costco store brand) and they are actually made for adults - if you give them to children, you're supposed to split them in half. The B12s I have are the kind that dissolve under your tongue, and they're gross (I always somehow get the taste on my tongue), so I save the chewable every day and take it when I start to taste the B12. :-) For calcium I'm just taking Viactiv - my surgeon recommended that.
   — lauren_marie

July 4, 2008
I took Flintstones for the first few weeks, as per my surgeon. I also had to compromise the first month and took the other type because it was available in a chewable version. Once I was able to take whole pills, I switched to a calcium citrate/D version.
   — suezahn4me

July 4, 2008
I happen to like Bariatric Advantage chewable calcium citrate- cherry flavor- I also use their dry Vit D caps and B12. Kaiser had us use childrens chewable vits for the first 90 or so days then I went with Centrum Silver. Hope this helps. Years ago I had liquid vits for my children and they tasted yucky so I try to stay away from liquid. Good luck- it should be well worth the effort. Donna 26 mos post lap RNY 286-130
   — dabby

July 4, 2008
I love Caltrate fruit flavored Calcium plus minerals chewable tablets. I chew those three times a day. As for multivitamins, I use the Flinstones plus iron twice a day. Good luck to you!!! Ana Villa, RN
   — nursevilla

July 4, 2008
My bariatric center recommends that all its WLS patients take 2 children's Flintstones chewable vitamins per day. Also, we take 1000 mg of Calcium Citrate twice a day (and apart from the vitamins because of our absorption problems). The tablets I found from Target are huge, but I can get them down. I have heard from others that there are some small, chewable ones that they get from the health food store, but the ones I take are Citrical Plus with Vitamin D and Magnesium. I also "do" a dropperful of vitamin B12 sublingually each day. This took a while to get used to, but it becomes part of your routine. I'm nearly 6 months out from RNY WLS.
   — jujuprof

July 4, 2008
Hi Jackie, I recently was introduced to an awesome liquid vitamin called "Passion 4 Life" It has 175 essential vitamins, minerals, herbs, and antioxidants. The best part is that there is up to a 98% absorption rate in 3 minutes. Let me tell and why I believe in this product so much: I am 6 months out and 96 lbs lighter. At about the 4 1/2 months mark my Dr. switched my Hormone Replacement from a hardshelll pill called Estratest to an inserted ring called Femring. Unfortunately the ring was too strong and I overdosed on Estrogen. Unknown to me at the time, what was also happening was that the Estrogen was wiping out my vitamins stores. A month later with what seemed to me to be unrelated symptoms, (mood not so good, anti-social at times, trouble concentrating, insomnia, constipation, bilateral neuropathy, hair dry and falling out, and an inability to tolerate any form of animal protein.) All were explained or thought to be caused by something else. When I started having sores on my tongue I threw all the symptoms in one basket and sure enough turned out to be a major vitamin deficiency. When I went in to the Dr. my BP was 80/50. A women in my complex mentioned Passion 4 Life so I started taking it and within the first 12 hours I could feel an improvement. The symptoms are going away as I continue. I have since switched over from Thorne Research to Passion 4 Life and have since became a Consultant for them. Anyone who saw me before and then sees me eight days later is amazed. Here is their website: You can use my login id # 100427 to order if you are interested or email me [email protected] questions if you have any. Best of luck, Charlene
   — Charlene Lewis

July 4, 2008
don't be scared -- you will be able to swallow pills :) so just buy what you want -- since day 1 i have taken all my vitamins by the handful in one swallow and never once had a problem -- ppl just get nervous about the unknown :) good luck
   — RCassety

July 5, 2008
I used to use Centrum Chewables (broken in half) Have recently switched to Bariatric advantage. Great people. Still don't like the flavor but break easily, go down better than Centrum & I have dramaticacly decreased food cravings as these vitamins are specifically designed to compliment bariatric diets & our most needed supplement replacements. Love my lap band vitamins
   — Donna O.

July 5, 2008
Hey Jackie Centrum has a chewable multi-vitamin and some people even take the kid chewables. TwinLabs (found at Vitamin Shoppe) have a chewable Calcium Citrate with Magnesium and Vitamin D included in it. It's great that you are purchasing certain products before the surgery. Especially the first week after surgery you want to make sure that you have everything you need already during those first couple of weeks so you only have to concentrate on walking and getting back on your feet. After the surgery and as time goes on, I'm sure you will be pleased with your results. However, I want to warn you of something that I wasn't -- be prepared for the change in how people see you. Right now when my Mom sees me -- she thinks I'm too small --I've down to 180 from 296. They are used to seeing me with big butt and now I hardly have any butt and they think I've lost enough weight; whereas, I still think 180 is a little bit too close to 200 pounds and I'd like to lose another 50. So be prepared in body changes and how people see you as well as how you see yourself. Sometimes I still THINK fat me but looking in the mirror it's a whole different me. So just someting I wanted to share --- don't be shocked when you come to the SKINNY realization. Stay in touch Peace and Blessings
   — the7thdean

July 5, 2008
I really appreciate all of the wonderful advice. I just wanted to say thank you all so much. Jackie
   — RN2B2009

July 5, 2008
I don't know if this will you, but Market America has liquid Isotonix vitamins and calcium. You have to go through a distributor, I go to
   — jenks621

July 5, 2008
I can refer you to an awesome chewable fruit and veggie supplement. Contact me [email protected].
   — bariatricdivalatina

July 5, 2008
I take liquid vitamins as well as a liquid glucosamine/chondroitin product from They taste good and go down easy. Remarkably effective. I am approaching 50 and never had the strongest teeth to begin with - many cavities at a young age. But I was surprised when I broke three teeth one right after the other when I began chewing pills. Even the chewables. I know I am in the minority but would recommend that folks at least try the various liquid products that are available. Best of luck!
   — sunny99

July 6, 2008
Twin labs has a chewable calcium citrate/vit d/magnesium that doesn't taste too bad. They carry at Whole Foods (expensive). Less expensive online at
   — Susan C.

July 6, 2008
GNC carries chewable Calicum Ciltrate, and a line of chewable vitamins.
   — nancygp

July 6, 2008
Liquid vitamins: - this has a good but strong orange flavor. There are several chewable calcium citrates on - but you have to take 4 or 6 a day. Eventually you will be able to swallow pills - just put them in warm water and make sure they dissolve within 15 minutes.
   — stacyface

July 7, 2008
Go for an ADULT chewable that includes Vit K and selenium... I use 2x Centrum Chewables Calcium Citrate or calcium Citrate Malate is about the ONLY calcium you should be taking...Calcuim carbonate in the doses you need can cause gallstones and kidney stones as well as bloating and gas. You MUST take VitD3 (Dry D) with calcium or you will not absorb any calcium. Vit A, E, D and K is not absorbable after RNY surgery and must all be in DRY form of capsules. Calcium Citrate with magnesium helps keep your bowels from binding from calcium. If you find a calcium without magnesium...and have constipation (iron causes constipation too) Magnesium citrate in DRY capsule (200-800mg daily) will make your bowels totally regulate as well as keep your electrolyes in balance! Cut back on mag if it gets too loose or you lose electrolyes. I love Upcal D but it does noot have magnesium, so I take those seperately...It come in a tasty powder that disolves on your tongue quickly and I open a mag capsule (no taste) at same time and it's over in a second! I also use Twin Labs Cal Cit wafers...but you have to chew two at a time 4 times a day and it's soooo expensive...But it has everything you need in it (As far as cal, mag and D3) I also love Bariatric Advantage Cherry Flavor. But again very expensive...Up cal D is so far the cheapest i found and a good quality, easy to take calcium...Just add magnesium citrate caps...Or you might experience constipation. Trader Joes makes a GREAT B-12 sublingual...It melts in five seconds flat and has a mild cherry flavor....It's like a little powder puff. I've used it faithfully for almost 5 years and have Excellent B-12 results. There are sprays too...I've seen then at Walmart even! Never tried them yet. I always go back to my TJ's B-12... If you are still menstruating , I suggest carbonyl Iron (Tender Iron) and NEVER EVER take ferrous sulfate...It is not absorbed by RNY patients and most docs haven't quite caught on yet. I was severely anemic and brought myself into normal ranges using Carbonyl Iron in two months and escaped Iron transfusions, which is about the norm, once you become anemic. My doc gave me ferrous sulfate and make me soooo ill...She just didn't know....Bariatric Advantage recently changed their formula to carbonyl iron too! (It's non toxic, virtually no side affects and does not taste like blood or metal as other iron does) I get a great chewable at It saved me from serious health issues and infusions as well as a blood transfusionand got my blood cells back to normal ranges. Iron needs to be taken with Vit C as ascorbic acid...NEVER take Iron and calcium within two hours of each other...and never take either calium or iron with coffee. Hope that helps...It helped me with my vitamin deficiencies that developed after 4 years from taking the wrong vits or not knowing that they can't be taken together or ignored...You must take your vitamins forever! Knowing what kinds work best and keep you healthy is so important. I learned this the hard way...I got it all now! :)
   — .Anita R.

July 7, 2008
Excellent liquid vitamin is VEMMA, has 1000 IU of vit D3. Go to Good results for diabetics
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 7, 2008
I like Bariatric Advantage chewable, the Flinstones had too much sugar. Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

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