Questions on Lap Band

I had RNY in 03, lost 200lbs in 12months. I have since gained back 63lbs. Dr. Greene said for me to have the Lap Band to get rid of the weight gain and to loose the other 100lbs. I don't know if I can stand the port. Please give me as much info as you can on this and how it feels inside you. Do it hurt to be filled? All info would be appreciated. I have read different sites on this procedure. But I like hearing it from post-op's who has had this done.    — Penny (Brooks) Shaw (posted on September 16, 2007)

September 16, 2007
I can't feel my port at all but I'm told I might be able to a bit once I am at goal. It doesn't bug me at all. As for the fills it is like a prick not painful. I always get nervous though then I feel foolish for being so worried. At least that is what it is like for me.
   — Bee

September 16, 2007
The port is not an issue. I am at goal weight and yes, I can see where the port sits below my skin but only because I know what I am looking at. Others do not notice unless I tell them what it is. The fills are not a big deal at all. It is just an injection. Like any other shot.
   — VickiStevens

September 16, 2007
You can see the port under your skin and fell it as well but no pain or anything. The fills are fine you just fill a needle prick, you can always ask your doctor for numbing medicine when getting fills if it hurts you to bad I have a firend that does that.
   — crlindfw

September 16, 2007
Before you decide, please do some research on the new procedure that has been developed to "repair" the pouch. It is called "Stomaphyxx" There are very few surgeons trained, although the numbers are increasing. This procedure is done via endoscopy, ie no surgery!!! The outlet (anastomosis) tends to dilate as time goes by, this procedure will tighten the anastomosis and reduce the size of your pouch. Cindy O'Brien, RN Bariatric Program Coordinator, and gastric bypass patient
   — Cindy O.

September 18, 2007
I could feel the port just a little bit at first, a little bit of "pulling", just for a month or so. Either I got used to it or it went away. It did not hurt at all, it just felt a little bit odd. I haven't even thought about it in years. As for the fills, nothing to it. It is a different procedure from anything you've likely had done before .. the surgeon will sterilize and numb the area, and then will use a long needle to access the port. This is accomplished using a good bit of pressure, but no real pain. (Don't let the length of the needle scare you .. the port is buried deep under a pretty good layer of fat.) It's an interesting bundle of sensations, and if you get it done under fluoro it's fascinating (and distracting) to watch. Fills are definitely not routine, but that's not said to scare you. They're just .. not like anything else. They're actually pretty cool. And quick; mine are usually over within 15 minutes. Good luck exploring your options and making a decision.
   — Jeanie

September 19, 2007
My surgeon also told me to have the lapband. I have gained 40 pounds with the RnY. Well I came home and in trying to read about the lapband, I found the DS (duodenal switch) forum and haven't looked back. Check it out before you make a final decision. Yes it is another surgery, but from what I have read, it works so much better than the RnY and definitely better than the lapband. A lot less chance of regain and no need for revisions cause that is the final surgery you will ever need. Also check out
   — KRWaters

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