Have anyone had revision from Open RNY to DS Swicth and still have pouch.

I don't seem to be losing like the doctor told me I would. Any advice would be helpful. I am exercising everyday. I'm 7wks post-opt and have only lost 18 lbs.    — crabtree (posted on November 16, 2006)

November 16, 2006
Hi. I am 11 weeks post op and I have only lost 40 lbs. I started out at 280. What was your starting weight. My Doc said I would lose around 10 lbs or maybe even less a month. I find if I eat my protein and make sure to get all my fluids, I lose, but if I dont, then no weight loss. Make sure you are drinking ALOT, that is what flushes out the fat. I feel like I am a slow loser too. :(
   — dessary316

November 16, 2006
I looked into getting the D.S. surgery before getting the RNY, the D.S. Surgeon told me that it was a falacy that you lose 80% with D.S. vs 66% with RNY. I think he was trying to make me lose interest. I have read so much about the DS that I really wanted it. However, I settled for the RNY for many reasons.... 1 being the DS Surgeon did not make me feel confident in his ability, the RNY Surgeon did. 2 being the RNY Surgeon is 20 minutes from my home, the DS Surgeon is 2 1/2 hours from my home. 3. If the RNY Surgery doesn't take me low enough, then I will get banded after 2 years. I started out needing to lose 300#. I am now 8 mos. out and down 127#. I hit a 14 wk. plateau at 4 mos. How frustrating. I feel this has put me behind in the time left on the clock, I know that I will not hit goal within the 10 - 16 mos. left on the clock. However, I am better off at where ever the surgery leaves me than I was 8 mos. ago. 7 wks is to soon to tell. Please follow the plan and see where it leaves you before you panic and jump ship.
   — Happy to be in Onederland

November 17, 2006
Take a really hard look at how much you are eating and if it is a really good mix of protein, veggies and then fruit if you have room. You may not be getting enough calories in for the amount of exercise you are doing. Check your calories in vs your calories out. Your body will hold back on your calories expention if you are not giving it enough nutrition. Chris
   — ChristineB

November 17, 2006
It is impossible to tell at 7 weeks if your RNY has been a failure. Typically, the people I know who went from an RNY to a DS made that choice because they had very serious food issues and found that they were unable to control their obsessive need to eat. [This certainly is not indicative of the many people who have the DS]. If you are thinking about more drastic surgery, you need to evaluate if you have given the RNY a chance. Are you getting in at least 80 grams of protein per day? Are you restricting your carb intake to about 20-25 grams per day? Then, you need to evaluate why you are having problems with what you perceive to be your slow weight loss--- is it due to frequent grazing, poor food choices, not getting enough protein, or some underlying medical issue? Only you know the answers to these questions. Good luck in making the decision that is best for you.
   — SteveColarossi

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