I am having a tummy tuck, breast lift and arm lift in three weeks but

I have a important weding ten days after. Can I use hills for that night? or it will open my steeches?    — reborning (posted on February 25, 2009)

February 24, 2009
Ten days after? Most people I know that had those surgeries together were not standing upright 10 days later. I would get some back up shoes just in case.
   — kathcar

February 24, 2009
Heels won't affect your stitches but you will be very bruised and sore at only 10 days out.
   — trible

February 24, 2009
At 10 days out you will be very sore, swollen, walking slumped over & have several drains still in you. I would dress as comfortable as possible. Good luck with your surgery!
   — AprilJM

February 25, 2009
I couldn't stand up staright for 3 weeks ..I am 2 months out and still sore, hunched over at times and in swell hell! I think you better reaccess your plans.
   — HoosierDoula

February 25, 2009
You will probably not be feeling very well. I would dress as comfortable as possible. I was not even walking upright by 10 days after my tummy tuck and breast augmentation. I couldn't imagine my arms too. Good luck to you! You will feel a million times better after you heal but I wouldn't have your heart set on going to the wedding.
   — Carlyn M.

February 25, 2009
I could not stand up straight 10 days after my tummy tuck. I also could not lift my arms to comb my hair or put on shoes. I am not sure the heels will open your stitches, I might be getting ready for the wedding that will strain you. Doing too much right away puts you at risk for opening your wound and even infection. Good luck and try your best to heal as long as you can.
   — bariatricdivalatina

February 25, 2009
Your stitches won't be healed enough in the tummy area and you could do more harm than good. Did you not ask your doctor about the healing and pro's n cons of a honeymoon in tummy tucks are more than you realize. Why in the hatties would you schedule that much 2 weeks before a wedding?
   — Eneleh

February 25, 2009
Well, like with every thing else, each person is different. When you had your by pass surgery were you back at work in less than ten days? Did you go to parties and have a great time partying? Yeah, a reassessment is due. I would check with my doctor and surgeon because you could make your out come less that idea and it would be longer to see the results your surgeon was expecting post-plastics. Rest, relaxation and time are the sure healers.
   — sor09

February 25, 2009
I think most patients are basically still in bed, some with drains etc. at that point. I think you better start planning a video link to that wedding!
   — mountainmike

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