Has anyone had nausea and ringing ears after a B12 shot?

I got a B12 shot yesterday. All day today I have been feeling sick to my stomach and my ears are ringing! I got 1CC. I am feeling better about 36 hours later, but I think she is going to want to do this regularly. Maybe I just have a bug? Thanks. Deb    — Debbi S. (posted on November 26, 2008)

November 26, 2008
Debbie, I would check to see if I'm allergic to B12; it happens. If you take a shot and you have a 36 hour recovery time; something is wrong there. Check everything with your doctor and take care of YOU. If something a doctor does isn't working for you let them know so they can help you. vinnigirl
   — vinnigirl

November 26, 2008
Hi Debbie! Perhaps the dose was too much for you to assimilate in one shot. I have felt that way from iron infusions, but not generally from B12. Perhaps you can ask your Doctor if this is common. I take B12 sublingually, which is much easier on the system. I had severe ringing in my ears for three months, until it was determined I had a deficiency in this area. After I brought the levels up, the ringing subsided. Do you know what your labs were before the shot? Trader Joe's has cheap and effective sublinguals. I wonder if your Doctor might consider these instead of the shots? Keep us posted, and wishing you all the best. -Pam
   — pjwilsen

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