New Friends?

Hey there! I'm looking for friends to add to my page. I would love to get to know people on this site. I haven't had surgery yet but will soon. I would like to give support as well as receive it. So hop on over to my page to add as a friend. (there are no pics yet but will be soon as i figure it out) Party over on Ronna's Page!    — sweetronna (posted on August 30, 2008)

August 30, 2008
Hi Ronna, I couldn't find ur page, but I'll put u on my friends list.
   — scaryreader

August 30, 2008
Hi Rona, I found what I think was the beginnings of your page, I sent you a request to be my friend, however, I couldn't locate a place to request to be your friend. I don't know. Glad to meet you, I'm Dawn and had LapBand 2 years ago and have lost 135# so far. Have a ways to go. Now, it doesn't matter so much for me WHEN I get there, just that I DO get there... and I will. As Winston Churchill said...."I will never, never, never, never, never, never, never give up". I may get off track, but that is one of the great things with my tool is that I can always get re-started and back on track. Tomorrow is always a chance to start over. Great to hear from someone from Alaska. I just got back from a 7 day Alaskan cruise that left Seattle. I got off in most of the ports to shop and check out the small towns which were lovely. I live in Florida and hate the heat, the weather was beautiful. Everyone I met told me I brought the sunny weather as it had been cold and rainy up until that time. Juneau was great.... went on a helicopter ride and landed on glaciers and snow capped mountains. I walked on a glacier, I drank glacier water.... it was amazing and certainly something I wouldn't have been able to do 2 years ago. That beautiful blue color is lovely and not one you see that often. Later that day, we went on a whale watching cruise and saw MANY humpbacks bubble net feeding.... got great pics and videos. Alaska changed my life.... I absolutely loved it. We drove around and saw the Governor's house and then WOW, now has been asked to be Vice President. Also saw the little stream where Alaska began with the gold rush. Such tiny, historic homes. Beautiful. You were talking about ovarian cysts.... I'm not making this up when I tell you that my sister-in-law lived in Hawaii and had a 40# ovarian cyst removed!!!!! It wasn't even her surgeon's largest one which was 70#. She had been dieting and exercising and steadily gaining weight when a C-T scan revealed it. I know some people that have had surgery, have lost weight and have gone on to have successfull pregnancies and babies. Good luck to you. Thank your husband for his service to our country for me and thanks to you for holding down the home front so that he can. I have great respect for you. Sorry, I digress!!! Good luck and we're here to welcome you to the loser's bench, Dawn
   — DawnVic

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