i need help i can not get 5 small meals in and water

can anyone help i can not get my 5 small meals in and water i dont know what i am going to do i would like just to drink the water and tea than try to eat i am getting to feel like i am never going to get it all in well i dont but this is getter bad helpppppppppppppp    — nancy A. (posted on September 25, 2003)

September 25, 2003
Hi Nancy! You didn't mention how far out you are from surgery? If you are within the first two or three weeks don't sweat it! Our Docs and Nurtitionist at Baylor tell newly post ops their biggest concern is to stay hydrated. Right now is a good time to try some protein drinks. I can tolerate the Isopure in the glass bottles that you buy at GNC. They come in fruit flavors. They are 20 ozs. so if you can drink 10 ozs you get in 20 grms of protein with 130 calories. The protein drink also helps with your fluid intake. You can try the Blue Bunny yogurt. They have 6 grms of protein in 6 oz for 85 calories. Try Bush's Fat Free Refried Beans with a little grated cheese. They have 8 grms of protein and 130 calories. To continue to stay hydrated S/F Blue Bunny Popsicles are really good. Remember not eat and drink at the same time. Wait at least 30 to 40 minutes after a meal to drink your liquids. If you are newly post op remember that your new pouch is trying to heal. It's been through a lot! So it will be hard at first to get in all that they want you too. My first month I really relied on my protein drinks to help get the protein and fluids in me. I would be glad to give you more ideas you and can email me privately if you would like. Take care, Barbara Brewer, WLS Dr McCarty, Baylor, Dallas, TX 5/20/03 61 pounds gone!
   — babrewer

September 25, 2003
Hi, I am 8 days post op and I had the same problem. My Dr. told me stay only on liquids until I saw him to get the staples out. I was also having this problem until I figured out drinking a meal every 2 hrs. helped. Of course I had to restrict fluids 30 min. before and after a meal. For a meal I would just do broths and protein drinks. Making sure to sip on a little water in between these times. It's important to get the protein supplement in as this aids in your healing. God's BLessings to you on your new journey. Hope this helps. :)
   — Myrna E.

September 26, 2003
Nancy, after I had surgery, my "job" every day was to try to eat and drink everything I was supposed to. There was NO WAY I could get everything in, in a normal day. If you just had surgery, do the best you can, but don't worry if you can't get everything in. One thing you can do is to plan out your meals at the beginning of the day (or the night before) and get yourself on a schedule. You do need some food to keep from burning muscle instead of fat. Like I said, it was my "job" to make sure I got in the nourishment I needed. Good luck!
   — koogy

September 27, 2003
How large is the "meal"? Our meals were 1 oz, but I couldn't do it, either. After the mountains I had to climb to HAVE surgery, I wasn't going to be force fed, either. But the instructions were actually "up to" 5 meals per day, when I clarified, meaning not more. I did protein drinks, water & whatever room was left was for those little meals. Our instructions were ok to drink up to the first bite of food.
   — vitalady

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