Does big weight loss before surgury slow down the period of fast weight loss after?

I am waiting for my insurance to ok my surgery. While waiting I have lost 50 pounds with a liquid diet. I plan to continue it until surgery. I will still have over 100 lbs to lose. Will this slow down the rapid weight loss that is experienced after the surgery?    — Paula Chapman (posted on January 6, 2007)

January 6, 2007
I lost 53 lbs in the year prior to my surgery, from just watching what I ate. I had my surgery 6/13/06 and have lost an additional 100 lbs since surgery day. I only have a little over 50 to go to hit the goal my surgeon set for me. After surgery you are going to lose as much as your body will allow you to lose and chances are if you are needing to drop a lot, it will drop it. I wouldn't worry about the lbs at this point. Just worry about getting HEALTHY!! I would be happy if I didn't lose another oz at this point. The sleep apnea is gone, no high cholesterol, my joints feel better, and my life has really improved and I can do soooo much more.
   — oceanrayne

January 7, 2007
The resounding answer is yes, but who cares? If you are losing weight now, the water weight has come off and you are at a different phase of losing, so when surgery takes over, the loss could be slower, but look how much you have done prior to surgery! This is wonderful and you keep going, it can only benefit you in surgery to have so much weight gone, decrease your risks of complications, and assist your recover. The benefits far outweigh anything else! Take care, Patricia P
   — Patricia P

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