I have to have a cardic catherization procedure that requires taking aspirin .

The cardiac procedure requires taking aspirin for 6 months post-op that procedure. I am 3 years post-op RNY gastric bypass. Any information on how long post-op aspirin is not allowed??    — David F. (posted on August 24, 2006)

August 24, 2006
I have had a stroke, so I have to have some type of blood thinners to prevent blood clots, I was on Comundin, and the WLS did not like that on my tummy, so my WLS and my Cardiologist agreed for me to take a coated baby asprin (81mg), yes, it is a NSAID and is a no no, but so would having a stroke, I am 3 years post op and have been taking the baby asprin for that time, I just make sure with test that the baby asprin is not causing any ulcers in my tummy. You might ask your doc about the coated 81mg, my WLS surgeon says that it has to be coated, so it is easier on the tummy.
   — cindy

August 24, 2006
David I would talk to your WLS surgeon. I think that taking the coated baby asprin or the 81 mg asprin would be O.K. How much asprin are we talking? if its 1 or 2 a day that is better than having a heart attack or stroke. so you must weight the pro & cons & just watch to make sure the asprin you take does not cause a ulcer. Which is what it might do. I would make sure the 2 Docs get to gether & discuss options & find what is best for you. I am sure they will find the right result for you to be healthier for it!! Good Luck
   — Marilyn C.

August 24, 2006
I have had two cardiac catherization procedure's done and have not been prescribed aspirin in order to have these procedures. I think it must be that they are prescribing it for you health. But as stated by others I would talk to your surgeon and let him/her and your cardiologist get together and discuss your treatment.
   — ccstann

August 24, 2006
The reason aspirin is prohibited is that it is not good for your stomach., and since we have smaller stomachs, the problem is even more acute. I was told never to take it. Make sure your dotor knows about your gastric bypass and what it entails. Then follow his orders.
   — Novashannon

August 24, 2006
I had a TIA (mini brain stroke) and was also told to take aspirin. My WLS Dr. told me to take the coated baby aspirin (as others have said) but also has me on Prevacid to further protect my stomach. Check with your Dr.
   — blues-singer

August 25, 2006
Hmmmm..........I was on aspirin 81 mg for 3 weeks following lap Roux-en-Y to help prevent blood clots and never had a problem. If someone told me to take aspirin every day from now on, to help prevent a heart attack or stroke, I surely would be taking it.
   — koogy

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