What do lap band patients eat on a regular basis

Hi guys, Just want to check in with lapband patients to see what a typical day is like as far as what you eat regularly. I had l/b surgery september 8, 2009 and have lost 53 pounds so far. I'm staying focused and will make this work but just want to see where i "rate" as far as what other people are eating. I have had 2 (1/2) fills to this point and still don't really feel any restriction. I am absolutely never hungry, which I find bizaar, but never get to the point where I'm full either. I've just been eating small amounts and am following the plan my doctor and nut has provided me with - I'm just curious to see what everyone else is doing as a lapband patient. Thank you.    — Lisa B. (posted on November 28, 2009)

November 28, 2009
I pretty much eat what I want, just in small amounts. I am 3.5 yrs out and reached my goal weight in the first 8 months. Have had no problem in maintaining and eating pretty much the things I want.
   — Babbles

November 29, 2009
I have problems with pasta and bread as they goo up and tend to block the restriction.I also have problems sometimes with meat with gissle, and rice as it is hard to chew up small enough. But usually if I have problems it is because I am not following the rules. Otherwise I eat anything I want and I don't always have trouble with the above mentioned foods (except gissle).
   — Donna O.

November 29, 2009
I had the Lap-Band surgery 5 years ago and am at my goal weight. I can eat almost anything by now, except lettuce and high fiber vegetables (I can't even swallow lettuce, no matter how well I chew). Also, more than a couple of bites of rice, bread, and pasta cause some problems. There is gluten in these foods, which tends to "glob" up in my pouch, causing discomfort. Also, I choose good cuts of meat like rib eye, T-bone, or KC strip. Cook all meats to medium rare to improve the texture for best swallowing success. I tend to rarely drink pop, as the carbonation is uncomfortable for me. I still have more trouble swallowing first thing in the day, which is normal. The main thing to remember is that we had the surgery to improve our health and lose weight. The Band is a tool to help us succeed without feeling deprived. Since we get such a small amount to eat each day, we need to be sure to eat nutrient rich foods. You should be eating only 2-4 times a day (if you're more hungry than that, you probably need a fill). Your plate should contain meat on one half and vegetables and fruit on the other. Take one bite of protein for every bite of anything else. Try to make your calories count toward some nutrional need of your body. If you want 1-2 bites of something less healthy, that is OK once in a while, just save it until you've eaten your protein and vegetables first. Eat slowly (one bite every 3-5 min.) since it takes your brain 20 min. to register that you are full. Take small bites and chew thoroughly. If you follow these rules, you'll be full, healthy, satisfied, and successful with losing and maintaining your weight. Avoid soft and liquid foods as they go through the pouch faster and leave you hungry sooner (causing you to eat more calories). Also, don't drink for 30 - 60 min. following your meal (liquids cause the food to pass through the pouch sooner). Enjoy you diet by making delicious foods, and play with different recipes and flavors. I wish you the best on your journey toward good health. God Bless.
   — KimM

November 30, 2009
I had lapband on 8/20/2009 and have only lost 35#. I have had two fills 4cc then 2cc and do not feel restriction. How many cc's have you had? When you say you are never hungry but not full either I think that is probably the sweet spot they talk about isnt it? I don't know yet because I do get hungry. And am losing very very slowly for past 2 months.
   — cjjrn1

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