does anyone take methodone

   — snugglesandmike (posted on June 25, 2009)

June 26, 2009
Yes, I've been on Methadone for several years now for pain control for fibromyagia. And No I am not on it for any kind of misuse of medications or drugs. For some reason you mention the word Methadone and everyone right away considers you a drug addict. I had my surgery in March of this year and I still continue to take Methadone on a daily basis. Does this answer your question? If not contact me at the home site if you like I will try and answer any more of your questions about this...good luck to you.
   — Clarice Shaw

June 29, 2009
Hi Cheryl, I do not but my dear friend does and has had the surgery 5 months ago. If you would like, I can fwd. this to her. Take care. Renee
   — 1stReneeMarie

June 29, 2009
Cheryl, I too am on Methadone. I have been on it for several years also because I have spinal stinosis and degenerating discs and joints in the lumbar of my spine. My surgery was 16 months ago and at the time, I had no problem. I know on the day of surgery your not suppose to have anygthing, but I was told to take only essential meds before going to hosp. so that is what I did. I also take 10mg. in the evening, and since your not suppose to have anything after surgery, I took the little pill and just let it melt i.n my mouth and I was fine. I didn't want to take any chances and start feeling bad from not taking it, since you feel bad enough as it is after major surgery. I hope this helps. Good Luck, Paula B.
   — paulajaneb

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