Sleeve vs. Plication?

My husband and I are scheduled for Aug 1st for the gastric sleeve in Tijuana Mexico at the Obesity Control Center. His BMI is 49 so he is certain he is getting the sleeve surgery. My BMI is 39 so I have a choice of Sleeve or the newer Plication. Does anyone have any feedback about this? Has anyone had the sleeve or Plication longer than 2 years? Some other general questions: Do you tend to overeat as soon as you heal? If you do can you bust open those staples? After the initial time to get used to the difference do you feel deprived? I'm more worried about my husband because he is such a big eater. should we sign up for some sort of counceling when we get back to the states? Thanks for the experienced input. Donna    — Pkrplyr777 (posted on July 8, 2011)

July 8, 2011
Wow, I don't know much about either of those procedures, I had the gold standard roux n y done about 15 months ago and I never feel deprived. I eat healthy and just have much smaller portions and I have lost all the weight I wanted to and I am down to 130 pounds and I am five foot six tall. Yes, I would see someone, it was required for my surgery and I learned a lot. I gained the weight after losing two sons in less than two months to unrelated car accidents...I ate for it was really helpful to go through the whole process and now I never miss a support group meeting. I love them and have a terrific person who does them. Good luck on your journey.
   — tfqh99

July 11, 2011
If you are interested in VSG, let me suggest the following: Read Dr. Alvarez's new book on VSG surgery. Contact Susan George, [email protected] who will answer any and all questions, day and night. She is Dr. Alvarez's amazing patient coordinator!! Join the youtube Endobariatric Channel by Dr. Alvarez at this link where there are over 150 videos on VSG and His personal website is
   — [Deactivated Member]

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