Info regarding skin removal surgery

I have had surgery 18 months ago and am starting to consider skin removeable surgery. I would like to get an approximate dollar amount, and would like to know exactly what they do before making an appt. with a surgereon. How do I find this info out?    — doldes (posted on July 20, 2009)

July 20, 2009
I know here in Pennsylvania a simple tummy tuck is approximately $8000. If you are having repeated skin infections from having this skin overlap...i.e: yeast, staph etc some insurance companies will pay either partial or whole; BUT; it takes a very strong letter from your PCM and then at best it may only pay 50%. Good luck and I hope this helps
   — karensaporito

July 20, 2009
sorry, I don't have an answer. But, I am at a similar position and am trying to research costs involved etc. Thanks!
   — INQE

July 21, 2009
First, why not go to appt with surgeon? Most surgeons will do a consultation and at that consultation they will discuss with you all the options. My plastic surgeon gave me a folder with info on several different surgeries that I might be interested in now and gave me the prices of each one. I will be having a lower body lift probably in December, I have about 20 pounds left until I reach MY goal (reached my doctors about 2 weeks ago - 100 pounds lost). My advice to you is to find a board certified plastic surgeon. Make sure they are a "board certified plastic surgeon", there are a lot of doctors who did not specialize in school in plastic surgery that are now getting "certifications" in other areas that sound like they are plastic surgeons but a true plastic surgeon has had several years of medical school related to plastic surgery and a plastic surgery residency, they truly are the best choice. Anyway, all plastic surgeons have different prices and different procedures that they will do at a time. Mine won't do any extras when he does the lower body lift, but some will. I would pick a couple of surgeons and then go and see them and get a feel for each of them. Ask LOTS of questions, even if you think they are dumb questions. Pretend that you are interviewing them for a job because essentially that is what you are doing. Then pick the one you feel the most comfortable with. The price of the surgery will probably depend on exactly what you and your surgeon decide needs to be done. Good luck and don't be afraid to do the research. Congratulations on reaching this point in the process!
   — brindledanes

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