Are there many post op 4+yrs needing iron infusions?

My iron runs about 3 and has for about 2 or more years. I am constantly fatigued. Yet my hemoglobin is around 11.5.I need some input from others with this same problem. I know of some having iorn infusions with wonderful results. Thanks for any help. Betz    — Betsy B. (posted on October 5, 2006)

October 5, 2006
I am 4+ years out as well... I have had severa; problems and would like to tell you how I handeled this with a surgical procedure... It has been an amazing journey and I have lots to share with you. YOu can email me directly and we can get on a call ang I will give you the name of the procedures and see if your problems were that of the same. Looking forward to chatting Celeste...check out the cover of obesity help magazine and read all the stories! Much success is there for your taking...just believe!
   — shakeyourweight

October 5, 2006
Hi Betz, I am two years post op and this morning I go for my 1st Iron Infusion. By 3, do you mean your Ferritin Level. My ferritin level was low for about a year and hemoglobin was within Normal Limits. Then suddenly, within a month my Hematcrit dropped to 26 and my hemoglobin is 8. Go see a Hematologist. Email me if you have any other questions. Good Luck. Susan
   — smparker2

October 5, 2006
I had an infusion last year @ 3 years post-op. It was 10 hours if InFed. My ferritin went down to 10, but my Hemeglobin stayed around 12. Before my infusion, I felt totally exhausted and dizzy. I think I need another infusion. I am getting dizzy again. My ferritin is at 21, but PCP wants to wait until it gets to 10 to order an infusion! I guess I will be finding another PCP. I felt so much better after the infusion. I hope that all goes well for you.
   — Allison M.

October 6, 2006
Betsy, We all seem to have this problem starting about 2 years out. It is caused by the malobsorbtion of the iron. The Ferritin is where the iron is stored & if that gets too low we are anemic. Which is my case as well. My Docs are working on it with liquid iron & hopefully it will come up without the infusion. Infusion are time consuming & some say very uncomfortable to have. So If you can get the iron up without them you are better off, but, if you have been trying then go for it. They do help. Marilyn, the Bearlady
   — Marilyn C.

October 6, 2006
Hello, I am sorry you are having this problem. I have also experienced iron problems. I don't have an answer to your question, but please allow me to piggyback off your question. I am 3 years out from surgery and I have been having problems with anemia for about the last 2 years. This past summer, I was very low in energy that I found out was caused mainly by Graves disease, but I was also diagnosed as having very, very low iron level. Since starting the meds for the Graves disease, I feel much better, and I also take two prescribed iron pills a day. Should I still be worried about anemia and a possible iron infusion? I have felt so bad for so many months now that I'm not certain what normal is anymore.
   — MariaHBW

October 6, 2006
It is normal, expectable and in many cases preventable. It is not yet the normal practive to PREVENT iron deficiency, so much as it is to treat it once it starts. Just depends on your point of view. My doc was one who prevented it, so I've taken truckloads of iron since day 1 (12 yrs & 1 day ago), so the iron levels move around but never drop below "ok". But your question is does anyone else need infusions? Oh yeah,
   — vitalady

October 11, 2006
Hello There, I am 14 months post op and I know you targeted your question to 4+ years post op folks, but I had to have an iron infusion on Sept 8th. I have always had low iron, in fact, my wls surgery was post poned until I got my iron levels back up. The iron infusion helped alot, even getting IV iron takes about 3 weeks for your body to absorb and about 3 days after the procedure (which by the way takes 4 hours) your joints will ache terribly, but it is definately worth it, I feel so much better. I go see a hematologist, my white blood cell count dropped to 1.4 for no apparent reason, thats is where he came in to the picture, I see him now about every 6 weeks. If you do have to have it done, I believe you wil be happy with the results! Good Luck! Traci
   — TraciB06

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