I am very very worried about the pain associated with a tummy tuck surgery.

I had the wls and I will be needing a tummy tuck. But I had a harder time with the pain with wls and I am scared about the pain with a tummy tuck. Any advice on it or if it is painful? what can I expect? Please help! Thanks.    — Mitzie D. (posted on August 6, 2002)

August 5, 2002
I'm having my tt tomorrow. Send me an e-mail and I'll let you know how it goes and what the pain is like.
   — Patty H.

August 5, 2002
Mitzie, everyone's surgical experience and individual responses to pain will differ. However, after being a "surgery veteran" for wide variety of disorders over the years, I can honestly say that my TT was the least painful surgery of all. I had an "anchor incision"....a long, vertical incision from breastbone to pubic area, and a "smiley-face" incision from hipbone to hipbone. Although my surgeon arranged for an overnight stay in the hosopital, I easily could have gone home the same night. I had one injection for pain right after coming out of the Recovery Room, and then took pain pills for the next couple of days. I also had an armlift procedure at the same time, and found that to be almost completely painless. It's important to mention that my TT was a panniculectomy, which is ONLY removal of excess skin and fat. Patients who require an abdominoplasty....a tummy tuck which involves work on the underlying muscle structure, to tighten those muscles or repair hernias....generally will experience more post-op pain. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

August 6, 2002
Mine was a panniculectomy, two months ago. Not a "tummy tuck" with the muscle work that a plastic surgeon does. My wls surgeon did my surgery. I was worried too, after the pain of my Open RNY & my allergies to the "good" pain killers. However, I have to wasn't too bad! No drains to deal with; shorter hospital stay; shorter O.R. time & shorter anesthesia time; I'm glad I didn't wait. I was just 20 pounds short of my goal wt. when I had my panni, then I continued on to goal weight :-)
   — Barbara B.

August 6, 2002
I had abdominoplasty with hernia repair. I am a surgery veteran (7 surgeries) and this was BY FAR the most painful for the first 2.5 hours. Read my profile for the full details. I'll never regret the discomfort for the results.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 6, 2002
i just recently had a tummy tuck more than 2 months ago, the pain is a walk in the park compared to the open roux n y, it didnt hurt, alittle uncomfortable, i hardly had to use the pain medication they gave me. the only thing i advise you to do is make sure you see the results of other tummy tucks the surgeon has done. i am very unhappy with mine. he had advised me the the upper flap of my abdomin still might hang because it was not ambulatory enough, but i still have a little apron hanning down, and i am pissed. i thought my stomach would have been flat. i was one year post op when i had done it and i wear a size 12. just demand to see pictures!!!!
   — marsmaiden74

August 6, 2002
My Abdominoplasty was my 8th major abdominal surgery in 16 years, and it was by FAR the least painful and easiest recovery.....
   — Cathy J.

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