I can't seem to stomach anything......please help!!!

I'm 10 days post op from lap RNY and everything smells and tastes awful. All the protein powder and shakes areren't even an option anymore. I need some other ways to get in protein. I've resorted to melting peanut butter and eatting it b/c nothing else sounds good. I'm also chewing up food and spitting it out b/c I'm so desperate for something with taste. I've met with my doctor and nutritionist. If I don't start getting in my protein they said I will really suffer. HELP.    — megbucks (posted on March 7, 2008)

March 7, 2008
At this short time post op, you'll need the shakes to get in protein. Otherwise you'll never get enough. The shakes are designed to get the protein in your body while your diet is minimal. Later on, when you can eat more food, the shakes will not be a daily routine matter. I'm 23 months post op and I still have 3 shakes or so per week, just to make sure I'm not falling behind on protein. Those protein bullets mixed with crystal lite are OK from what I've heard at support group meetings.
   — Dave Chambers

March 7, 2008
My surgery (revision from lap band to lap RNY) was on February 18th, and I'm experiencing exactly the same thing, only I'm hardly able to keep anything down either. I've gotten next to no protein since the surgery, and am still on the clear liquids thing and I've been throwing up about once per day, from all varieties of liquids - example: I tried to do a small bowl of french onion soup yesterday evening approximately 8:00 PM and was up all night with vomiting, acid stomach, burping, etc. I'm just having a tough time and it's beginning to really worry me. I was kept in the hospital for an additional 5 days due to my total intolerance of any liquids, including water, but finally it seemed there was a light at the end of the tunnel when I could at least hold down water, and now I get home only to find everything tastes and smells terrible, I feel like after nearly everything I attempt to get down I want to vomit, and I'm up most all nights b/c I can't get to sleep w/o some amount of liquid feeling like it's coming back up. I'm scheduled to have an EGD w/my surgeon on Friday, March 14, but I'm really concerned about the protein thing and not following the normal progression of what I'm supposed to be able to tolerate according to the stages of what my doctor recommends. Anyone else experience similar when they were newly post op? Any suggestions on alternate sources of protein? I'm going to try the melting peanut butter thing - maybe that will work okay for me too -- thanks Megan for posting!
   — lwolkovich

March 7, 2008
I just heard about protein bullets from gnc. They contain 42 grams of protein and only require 3 oz of water. This just might same our lives. I've been doing research online....they are expensive but I am desperate!!!!!! Google protein bullets.
   — megbucks

March 7, 2008
Try protein capsules. You won't have any taste or bloating issues. They're called Capsul-Pro and are at Good luck!
   — jonedwards

March 7, 2008
You sound exactly like me!! Your tastes will evolve, continuously. Try visiting Walgreeens on line, they have a bariatric section with great strawberry shakes. You will get thru it - I did, used the Creotine whey protein powders, mixed in a blender with milk, not bad, you actually get used to it. My head was so down during the first 2 weeks, then you wake up, and realize you are ok. It'll come. Guarantee it.
   — 29Diesel

March 7, 2008
They are right - you really need your protein. I couldn't do those protein shakes either. I find my protein in a drink, similar to kool aid or punch. The protein taste will still linger but at least I was able to get the protein in. Be sure you continue to take all of your vitamins and minerals. I am 5 years post-op and I still experience getting enough protein because there are so many carbs in everything. Because this is new for you. It is very important that you follow their instructions. Try tuna fish or salmon. Sometimes when I have eaten too much and begin to feel awful, the smell of food or taste turns me off too. So you see, it doesn't go away - just improves. But I have to admit everyones system is different. I have heard so many different stories. Some which I have experiences and some of which I have not. This surgery is definitely not a quick fix and it is high maintenance for the rest of your life - so stay tuned in and keep trying.
   — Sammi G.

March 7, 2008
I can not say I am having the problems you're having, however protein shakes made me nauseated and I found a solution though the suggestion of another OH member that might help you... Mix up your protein powder in water or skim milk or half water/half milk. Use a shaker bottle or an empty water bottle. Put it in the 'fridge, and instead of trying to drink it all at once, keep it in the fridge, and throughout the day, take it out, shake it up, and take small sips. By the end of the day, you'll have finished the entire shake. Put up a little note to remind you to take sips all day if needed. Also, I have tried 6 different brands (not kidding) of protein powder/protein drinks in the past month, and have found the absolute best tasting is a brand called BNS Lean Dessert Protein. Most protein powders come in Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry. However BNS comes in really yummy flavors such as Fresh Cinnamon Bun, Chocolate Coconut, Banana Nut Bread, Banana Cream Pudding, Fresh Whipped Vanilla Cream, etc.. I absolutely LOVE the way their protein shakes taste!!!! They also sell a "sample pack" for $9.99 where you get 6 single-serving packs of different flavors to try. The sample pack has free shipping. Each serving has 20 grams of protein. It can be mixed in 4 to 6 ounces of water (or you could use skim milk or half water/half milk). I'll put the web link for their website here. I hope this helps you. If you can not eat other types of protein right now, perhaps you could try drinking a few of these BNS a day along with your peanut butter. Also see if your Doctor wants you to take chewable multi-vitamins and liquid or chewable B-Complex and Calcium+D. Best wishes, here is the link to BNS Lean Dessert Protein: (copy and paste it)
   — Gina S.

March 7, 2008
Oh Swetie... there's hope. Take a deep breath... and release. I am so glad my Dr. nade us do the liquid diet for 2 weeks BEFORE they surgery so we could work out all the 'bugs' in our food options. I know my taste buds may change once I have the surgery, (I'm scheduled for March 20th, but I am a nurse and very familiar with Bariatric issues) Go to GNC or The Vitamin Shop and get some ISOPURE Protein Water. It has 40 Gm. of protein in each 20 oz bottle. It's expensive, but if you are not spending $$$ on shakes... perhaps you will appreciate it. The flavors are pretty good. Try to buy individual bottles of several different flavors to see what you like BEFORE you buy a whole case of the stuff. Also My Dr. allows cream of wheat cereal as long as it is runny. There is a small amount of protein in that. Skim milk is an excellent source too at 1 Gm per 0z.. We can also have Dannon Light and Fit Yogurt. The strawberry has chunks, so dont get that but the blueberry and cherry are fruit free (3Gm protein). Please keep me posted. I did a friend request so we could keep up with one another. Lois
   — Triumphant_Daily

March 7, 2008
You got to take the shakes down, so try different brands until you have something you like. Use skim milk insted of water. If you don't you will loose hair. This is the truth, so just do it like medicen. You have to get this down. This will pass in time, but focus now for your health and hair. You can do it!
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 7, 2008
I hated it at the time, but my dr left the G-tube in for six weeks. I had to do high protein Ensure through it every 4 hours. I felt like I could smell it coming from my pores. He made sure I could tolerate solid food before he took it out. Isn't he wise?
   — Tawnda C.

March 8, 2008
The short answer is that you need to get your protein in... no matter what. I had a really hard time the first 2 weeks post-op, too. At two weeks, I was able to add beans and peanut butter and soft cheese. That helped. I also added GNC 50 gram slams - liquid protein shakes. I have to drink them really cold (on ice)... and I split them up into three 5oz drinks. Keep trying... you'll find something that works for you!
   — gonnadoit

March 8, 2008
I really hated the shakes also. I finally found a product called Nectar, Fuzzy Navel flavor. I got it over the internet and it arrived at my home 2 days later. I mix it with water and a Crystal Light lemonade To Go packet. It dissolves well and tastes like orange juice. It really tastes good and is easy to get down. Good Luck, Pat
   — pjennjr

March 8, 2008
I didn't do liquid stages...I ate my food pureed from the start...and gingerly sipped One Isopure bottles of clear protein a day as they were the ONLY whey I could handle in tiny sips. I still can't handle pure whey powders...but I eat plenty of protein without many supplements at all. Didn't hurt me or stretch out my pouch or affect me adversely to eat from the start...I didn't have any trouble at all unless I ate too fast...and rarely dumped until much later when I decided to try new things. You might ask your doc if pureed food is okay since you cannot handle the protein drinks right now. Not all doctors make their patients do liquid only stages. Just so you know...
   — .Anita R.

March 9, 2008
I found something that works for me (stays down instead of me vomiting it up) and it doesn't taste hideous. The Nectar products, which mix with water or Crystal Light (any kind of the Crystal Light w/o caffeine - made that mistake and vomited all night last night) and drink several times daily. I bought the Strawberry Kiwi flavor and it's not bad at all. I had a trial pack of the Fuzzy Navel flavor and it tasted medicinal. They sell these at the Vitamin Shoppe: and also at Bariatric I tried a couple of the New Whey protein bullets - grape flavor and fruit punch and while they have 42g of protein per bullet, I found the consistancy to be awful (tastes like warm jello) and they also didn't stay down with me. Try the Nectar, I've been okay with it and I've had the same experience of not wanting to take in anything b/c everything I've tried so far has tasted awful and then comes back up on me to boot. Hope this helped! Let us know if you come up with anything else that works for you. Regards, Elle
   — lwolkovich

March 16, 2008
   — sherry1of6

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