I had the gastric bypass done 5 years ago, and I am still overweight,

Could I have a lap band procedure done?    — tylerswife (posted on December 3, 2006)

December 3, 2006
It would be easier to assist if you had detailed information, How much did you lose, how much do you weigh now etc, what do you eat on a daily basis. Yes there are folks who had WLS and then have a LapBand placed. I am 3 years and 6 months out from WLS. Lost 202lbs, bounce between 5 lbs up & down. Haven't had my PS yet, but according to my BMI I am still slightly overweight. I accept that. Wrtie back with some history and you will get some great answers. Best Wishes MaryLyn
   — Kriola

December 3, 2006
Hi.... I think that this would best be answered by your surgeon. However, how much did you originally lose? Have you gained any back, and how much. If you have gained it all back, or most of it back... I think that it would be the discretion of the surgeon to evaluate whether you have the discipline to stick with the necessary diet for the lap band. The other thing to consider is... will your insurance company even pay for a second procedure? I think you have a lot of questions to bring up and have answered. And, I think, like with the last respondent, if you provide the information that she suggested you put down, you will get more informative answers.... good luck and happy holidays.
   — Kari_K

December 3, 2006
Because you are now 5 yrs out, I'm thinking you'd benefit from the Grad list. Here's the link: There's at least one person who's had a band placed in addition to her RNY, but there are probably over 100 revisions there who changed their surgery type or style. Lots of good info.
   — vitalady

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