Does Drinking wine make you gain weight

   — rebedeb (posted on December 15, 2009)

December 15, 2009
Any liquid calories can contribute to weight gain. Alcohol is high in calories usually.
   — Jennifer F.

December 15, 2009
Yes, wine will make you gain weight. It is made with sugar and like anything else with sugar, sugar turns to fat unless you excercise. But if you drink wine in moderation, you shouldn't gain weight. But it for sure will pack on the pounds if you are not careful.
   — Kristy

December 15, 2009
I guess it all depends on how much you'll be drinking. But either way, I was told not to touch alcohol until 7 months out and then if I do have some, to be careful as dehydration is more likely when drinking alcohol, and it could potentially affect the weight loss.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 15, 2009
Wine is just empty calories and they have no nutrition so why drink them. I have a drink from time to time but it's not something I do often.
   — rkurquhart

December 16, 2009
Dee everything will make you gain weight if you are not careful and surprise if you put on calories you have to figure out a way to burn them. But that being said red wine is really really good for your health and the benefits outweigh the supposed risks so i say go ahead and drink wine just don't get blasted all the time enjoy in moderation like anything else life has to offer don't overindulge
   — JaVin70

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