Has anyone had difficulty with nausea and vomiting everything they eat or drink?

I am almost 3 weeks post RNY surg. was doing wonderful on a soft diet till three days ago and I have been throwing up anything I eat or drink. Cant get my protein or liquids to stay down. I take prevacid in the morning and went back on liquids only but this has not helped.    — Sherry04-21-2009 (posted on May 12, 2009)

May 12, 2009
You might have a stricture, you better call you surgeon asap before you get dehydrated.
   — sassy1696

May 12, 2009 call the Dr. that did the surg. I went thru the very same I do understan the feelings. You will dehydrate if you are not careful! Take care and listen to your body and do as it needs!
   — tootsie52

May 12, 2009
Sounds like Stricture to me.... I started getting reflux at night at about 4 weeks out, and then, all of a sudden, I would get a "stuck" feeling after eating. That's the only way I can describe it. Just "stuck". And it would just get more and more uncomfortable as I swallowed saliva. Eventually I would thow up, and I'd wonder where all that stuff came from, because I knew I hadn't eaten that much.... my PA diagnosed the stricture at 6 weeks, I had it dilated the next week (a very painless procedure - was done outpatient, was only there about an hour), and I've been good since, unless I truly DO overfill my pouch. I'd say talk to your surgeon, and get the problem fixed, and you'll be back to being a happy camper!
   — Erica Alikchihoo

May 13, 2009
If you are not keeping food and liquid down it is serious. Call the doctor right away so that you can have it cheked into. I am always waiting to long to call and getting yelled at for suffering through something they could have fixed.
   — trible

May 13, 2009
Yes I went thru the same thing and had a stricture. Call your Dr! I complained and complained and they first found a hernia before finding the stricture. It almost killed me because they didn't listen to my complaints. so call now!
   — Aariyona

May 13, 2009
I agree with all the other posts. I went through this too. Sounds like a stricture and you can't put treatment off. I waited over the weekend and ended up badly dehydrated. Please call right away. The fix is easy and painless, and you feel better imediately. Good Luck
   — pieparty

May 13, 2009
Are you hungry? Do you have diarrhea? It could also be food poisoning of a stomach virus. But being just 3 weeks out, this is definitely something you need to talk to your surgeon about. You may need medication or fluids to prevent dehydration. Hope you feel better.
   — mrsidknee

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