Today is my 1 Year Anniversary for Gastric Bypass Surgery. I"m down 147pds,

What would you do to celebrate this special day? I still have about 50 more pds to do I stay on track? I've been platued the past 2 months.    — Holly F. (posted on April 2, 2009)

April 2, 2009
Go for a day at the spa. Relax and enjoy a little pampering you deserve it. What a wonderful accomplishment.
   — trible

April 2, 2009
Congrats! Buy yourself a membership to the local pool or gym! Take a yoga class! What way to celebrate your accomplishment AND LOSE that last 50 pounds??? If you are not into that...go get yourself a brand new outfit or hairstyle to celebrate the new you...BUT...don't have a feast...Those types of celebrations are over! Don't start eating any more than you are now...You might go buy yourself a food scale and start weighing portions to see what you are eating...and to keep your portions honest...As time goes on, your eyes can get bigger than your pouch! A scale keeps your actual portion correct as well as remind your visual ability to guess the right amount by "seeing" what 4 ounces of meat looks like...A food scale would be another great gift for yourself at one year!
   — .Anita R.

April 2, 2009
Go and buy yourself 2 new for now..and one for later-your dream outfit! Be proud of yourself! Kep your head held high and be positive! You WILL lose that last 50 pounds!! Good luck!
   — gonnaB1hotmama

April 2, 2009
That is soooo awsome I'm happy for you.I'm Just starting my jorney. I need to lose 3 more pounds and I will be able to see the physiologist. Then I will be 5 pounds away from the goal weight to have surgery. It's a job and so rewarding at the same time.You deserve do somethis special. Go out and treat yourself to something nice, and enjoy yourself. I can't wait to join you. I'll see you on the losers bench save me a seat.{lol} God Bless Theresa L
   — treeeza

April 2, 2009
Congratulations! I would do a spa day myself, lol No more food rewards for me.
   — LorraineH

April 2, 2009
Congrats... You are doing great. I think it is normal to hit a plateau at the 12 month mark. I will be a year out in about 2 weeks, and haven't lost anything in about 3 weeks. I am down 150 and need to lose about 30# more. I am trying not to focus on the numbers, but to focus on getting my water and protein in. I find that at this stage, I want to eat a little more, but if I get my water in I don't feel that hunger!! I am also looking forward to having a great summer for the first time in forever!!! I think for my year I am going to treat myself to a new bike!!! It will give me some great exercise, and perhaps help me to shed those last pounds!!! I do like the idea of a spa day that some of the others have said also!!! Be sure to do something great for YOURSELF!!! YOU DESERVE IT!!! Caroline
   — carolinern

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