Documenting Rashes

I understand that rashes need to be documented for insurance approval, however do they have to be photographed by a Dr., or can you take pictures yourself and give a copy to your Dr. for their file?    — KathieV (posted on March 9, 2009)

March 9, 2009
I gave almost 80 pictures to my Plastic Surgeon who submitted them to my insurance. All were taken by myself or a family member. I notified my PCP each time I got a rash or sore so she would document it in my file and made copies of all prescriptions she gave me for creams to clear up the yeast infections.
   — tazfan

March 9, 2009
this isnt really an answer, but anyone that reads this can you tell me what kind of pics to take, my only problem is my belly hanging down, and I got my first rash of the year, is this to help get ins. to pay for plastic surgery? my name is greeneyesfromky on oh
   — Lisa Koch

March 9, 2009
To Lisa, I would have to say it is for both. The cost of PS is so prohibitive for most of us that we need to have the insurance pay for it.
   — chell1957

March 10, 2009
I had my TT Sept 08. I went to the PS thinking it would be a long process. he took the pictures. I had documentation from my PCP and bariatric surgeon. All was sent to the ins. co and I was approved same day. I have Great West and they typically approve since they approved the WLS in the first place. I am completely happy and satisfied. It is a touch surgery, not to be entered into lightly. I know that if you have pics they will use them. However, they do want pics from your doctors too, along with documentation of your problems. I just had some skin tags and a angry roll over line, that sometimes became inflamed. I was fortunate not to get rashes. Good luck!
   — dessary316

March 10, 2009
Hi, Several years ago I had a large hanging panus. It is a,also referred to as an apron of skin that hands below your belly. It happened after a c section. Any hoooo, Because it was skin on skin I had multiple infections, rashes and even staff that formed in the crease. I did not have to take any pictures, but went to a wound care doctor for almost 1 year and had it documented with my OB for the previous 2 years. It was a long haul, but it was all worth it because insurance paid for the entire procedure without any questions. I am sure pictures would not hurt...they did take one picture at the plastic surgeons office. Good luck....K
   — kfgates

March 10, 2009
My PCP told me that having actual documented appointments with her, where she took and filed the picture(s), along with what meds she was prescribing, would work better with my insurance, which states specifically that it does not cover peniculectomy. But my PCP says that can be challenged if I come up with constant infections.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

March 10, 2009
Taking your own photos is only reinforcement...but going to the doctor for each rash and asking them to document it is best! If your doc doesn't take photos....then you should...anything to help pay some or all those costs! I hear they are outrageous and insurance co. will fight against it unless you can prove it! So prove it by any and all means!
   — .Anita R.

March 10, 2009
Thank You all for your input. I now have a lot of info to consider. May God bless You Abundantly, Kathie
   — KathieV

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