I am 4 days post-op and on the liquid diet. what do u guys think

of the sugar-free popscicles. they help me relieve gas. but after a while my stomach starts to have a little pain just want to know how your body reacted to the popscicles    — ms.angie (posted on November 16, 2008)

November 16, 2008
Hi, I'm 2 weeks out and I found no problem with the popsicles. Could it be the cold? My doctor told me that everyone reacts differently to hot and cold!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 16, 2008
I am 13 weeks out and live on popsicles. At the beginning I did get a little tummy ache but it usually passed. Look for the new Life Saver sugar free popscicles. I get them at Albertson't. They seem to work the best for me and it counts as part of your liquid intake. Good luck! Tina
   — vegastina

November 16, 2008
I lived off them for first few weeks after surgery. Maybe your eating them too fast. My guidelines were 4oz in an hour.
   — urbrat2

November 16, 2008
I'm about 10 days post op and I noticed the same thing with those and more so with the SF pudding. I think I've narrowed it down to foods with Sugar Alcohols in them. The Popsicles only have 2 and they aren't as bad as the pudding which has 6. You may want to see if you get the same affect with other stuff with Sugar alcohol. Good Luck.
   — Sinbad1969

November 16, 2008
I eat Dryers real fruit cicles with no sugar added. I do have some issues with cold but more so if I drink cold than a popcicle. They are my new evening snack instead a pint of NY Super fudge chunck that I used to eat everynight.... And I used to wonder how I let meyself get so big LOL
   — phyllismmay

November 16, 2008
Sugarfree popsicles are a heaven sent. I am the popsicle king. I eat them all the time by the box full. Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. Eat em till your can't stand anymore.
   — jeffkopp

November 16, 2008
I am 6 days out and have been eating alot of popsicles too. At least they taste better than water. Anyway they too make me have a little discomfort in my stomach but I think it is coming from the cold because hot tea gives me the same feeling. Another thing I have found that is good is Italian Ice - lemon flavored. The lemon flavored ones seem to settle my stomach when it isn't feeling to well or after taking my vitamins.
   — Jennifer Davis

November 16, 2008
I recently discovered I have a reaction to some/most fake sugars...I cannot tolerate sugar alcohols either...It pretty much stinks too because it's hard to find anything sweetened with natural sweeteners like Stevia...So I have to make many things from scratch rather than buy SF stuff...but you do whatcha gotta do! Could be the same adversity to fake sugar that I have...and it just started over the last 6 months and slowly gets worse and worse...But these thing can happen over night so I have read and experienced!
   — .Anita R.

November 16, 2008
I actually had a rare issue with esophogeal spasms for the first few weeks after surgery. I had difficulty with any fluids. If it wasn't for the popcicles, I would have had a very difficult time! I too have heard of extreme reactions to hot and cold. Do you gave problems with other fluids or just the popcicles? Good luck with everything! Once you figure out your little kinks, things will move smoothly for you!
   — naebrs

November 16, 2008
SF popsicles were a god send the first week or so. I found that the cold bothered me, esp. if it was the first thing I had. I found sipping low salt broth heated was very soothing to my pouch first thing in the morning. It helped reduce phlegm and relaxed the pouch a little to help with the discomfort of the liquids. I can't tolerate a lot of "artificial sweetners" and thay could even be a culprit to you stomach discomfort or you may be eating more than your pouch holds at this time. That also can cause discomfort.
   — AuntPamcakes4six

November 16, 2008
I had my LAP RNY on September 30. SF popsicles were a lifesaver for me. I had no problem with them at all. Maybe you should call your doctor and explain your problem.
   — Melissa S.

November 16, 2008
It could be the artificial sweeteners. If you get too much of certain ones, they can make you feel pretty icky. The cold was also an issue for me-- can only eat like one, if that, because my pouch isn't wild about cold stuff.
   — snickersblk

November 17, 2008
i am ten weeks out. the hospital put me on the sugar free popscicles. i did fine. but they do have to be name brand for me, the others well..... lets just say i don't lke the after taste. lol
   — peggy R.

November 17, 2008
If Jeff K. is the popsicle king, then I am the popsicle queen. I am 7 1/2 months out from VSG and I buy 3 boxes at a time. There are occasional times when I feel that I need to slow down some, I may get a little queasy feeling, and times when I can eat 4 at a sitting. I think it is a great and enjoyable way to get in some of my liquid. We all do react differently to hot and cold beverages though.
   — corky1057

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