Having surgery on Oct 1. What about sugar,

evething has sugar in it in less it says no sugar? Is there so many grams that you can have? thank you in advance:]    — jennylynnsch (posted on September 19, 2007)

September 19, 2007
My surgery is scheduled for Oct. 2nd. Good luck to us. My dietition says limit sugar to 5 grams and fat to 3 grams. Watch the sugar alcohol - somepeople are sensitive to it. Try foods with it before surgery so you will know - read labels. Hope this helps. Jane
   — NanaJane

September 19, 2007
Our limit has always been 6g per meal. So, that's everything in the meal. Be sure you look at SUGARS on he label, not just carbs. Since I am now 13 yrs out, I just stick to "single digit" sugars per meal. Whenever I deviate, I gain wt. It's so simple, you'd think I'd "get it" after awhile, huh?
   — vitalady

September 19, 2007
I'm three years post op. In the beginning anything over 3 grams made me dump. Today, I can go up to a whole 5 grams without dumping. I'm kind of glad I do. It keeps me from gaining weight again. Unfortunately, I can eat chips. : ) Good Luck.
   — smparker2

September 19, 2007
If sugar is one of the first 3 ingredients on a food label, be careful. Avoid while processed sugar. If you crave something sweet, eat a nice piece of fruit. That's GOOD sugar!
   — belovedideas

September 20, 2007
I am 4 months out having band surgery. I limit my sugar intake to around 4-5 grams per day...If you get sugar out of your system; your energy level will increase!! Good Luck on your surgery!!
   — rhammgag

September 20, 2007
You have to remember that the brain needs some Carbs to fuction. Try keep that at 50 gms a day. 75% of what you eat should be protein and 25% complex carbs, such as veggies. Keep your fatty foods to a minimum. This is not suppose to be a diet, so if there is something that you are craving, work it into your daily diet. Plan your day ahead and remember that you are allowed to go off plan 10% of the time. Plan those cheats. Plan that tomorrow you are going to have a small amount of low carb ice cream, and so on. Don't make this something that nobody can live with. This has got to be your eating plan for the rest of your life. Enjoy your new life. Good Luck, - Judy Harris
   — jk_harris

September 20, 2007
I had gastric bypass on June 25th this year, every doctor is different, stay under 5 grams sugar, there alot of new sugar free, like sugar free kool-aid that aid to your bottle of water, suger free pudding, popcycle, after get passed the lig. weeks then soft food make sure you use protein drink, There carn. sugar free breakfast drink and i add my protein to it and get about 32 grams of protein, it helps get the 60 grams of protein aday, and 64 oz of water, help with hair lose too. I wish you good luck.
   — carman

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