Can anyone help me with my pre-op question about weight?

I am scheduled for my surgery on Thursday, Nov.30. I was only told I needed to loose 12 or 13lbs (that is my 5%). Well the last time I had a weighed in I had lost 21. Since then (9 days ago) I have put on 3 lbs. It's been very hard to go through Thanksgiving and eat very little. I've been struggling. My concern is because I gained 3 lbs they wont do the surgery I have scheduled less than a week away. I am going to try to loose the extra 3 pounds but if I can't will they still do the surgery? Has anyone gone through this and know the answer? Any information will help, Thanks...Sonja    — sonja1975 (posted on November 25, 2006)

November 25, 2006
Hi Sonja! I don't think that they will postpone your surgery because you lost more than they wanted you to. Usually if the doctor wants you to lose it's to see if you can be successful following a program. My doctor didn't require me to lose weight but didn't want me to gain. If you are concerned and your doctor doesn't require it, start clear liquids on Tuesday and Weds. You will get off about 4 lbs of water weight and the surgery will just be much easier. Make yourself a pot of homemade chicken soup, strain the meat and veggies and refrigerate the broth overnight. On Tuesday morning, skim off the fat at the top and drink the broth. It will give you protein and sustanance. You can use the broth post op too. Good luck with everything!
   — Sheri A.

November 25, 2006
Hi Sonja! I had to lose the same for my insurance (MVP). My surgery is scheduled for this Friday, 12/1. I think you are ok, as you are still under your 5%. I lost my 13lbs, and am praying I did not gain over this weekend. Good luck on Thursday! Where is your surgery?
   — robinmarra

November 25, 2006
Hi Sonja. I am having my surgery tomorrow. I was supposed to lose 10 pounds and I actually lost 14. Then I gained back 4. They said it was ok as long as I kept off the original 10. Good luck to you! Patty.
   — Patricia R.

November 26, 2006
My doctors did not require any pre op weight loss. I lost about 4 total but it wasn't mandatory. They did want us to eat healthily so our livers would shrink which makes surgery easier to perform. I ate like i was never going to eat again and my surgeon told me my liver was beautiful. Hopefully, it won't effect your having your surgery. Good luck.
   — brianne

November 26, 2006
Hi Sonya, if you only had to lose 5% and lost more you are doing great because you have went beyond what was expected. All they want to know is if you are determined and it looks to me that you are. So don't beat yourself up your surgery will go as planned. Good luck on Thursday and soon you will be on the losing side.
   — The One

November 27, 2006
Sonja, In 2 weeks I will be 1 year post-op. My surgeon Dr. DeBennedetto - Lockport NY recommended SlimFast to lose presurgical weight. I did it - IT WORKS !! Stay with Slimfast shakes only for 3 or 4 days. That weight will drop. You can put Vanilla Slimfast in a blender witjh a banana & ice cubes for a great shake. Fruit, and ice in the blender with a Slimfast is great. Good luck. Bill Simpson
   — PorkyPug

November 28, 2006
my surgan didn't have anything for me like that but I would not worry at all about the surgery being canceled it is only to make the liver a little smaller so they will have a lot more room in there to move around. Call the office and see that I and the other's are right on the money, he should have told u that in the first place. just ask and u will feel bettetr i promise. write me when u come home.
   — blackstar

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