Freaking Out, my surgery is next week (Jan 13, 2010) Lap Band

is the first week of liquids only hard? Do you get depressed from not eating. I'm ready to do this, just a little scared. I'm reading all the responses from the Q&A some are good and other scare me did I make the right decision?    — mygirls1620 (posted on January 8, 2010)

January 8, 2010
I had the sleeve done, dr doesnt believe in lab band, but had 2 weeks liquids and made it thru just fine, if your mind is set, you'll do great!!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 8, 2010
Freaking out is normal hon. We've all been there. If you made this decision to improve your health and your lifestyle, then you're on the right track. Just put one foot in front of the other, one day at at time and you'll get there. Congratulations!
   — browngathers

January 8, 2010
I had RNY, 2 weeks liquid.... you will have a couple of struggles, but nothing you can't overcome. the times where it was really bad, I had a piece of string cheese. If you have to have something make sure its pure protein. As long as you have done your research and you know this is what you want you will be good. I researched and watch the videos on you tube, read everything i could get my hands on. "Weight loss Surgery for Dummies" was a good one. I knew in my heart i couldn't do the lap band, because it wasn't gonna prevent me from eating the wrong stuff. Also make sure you go to counseling, I am an emotional eater, you have to deal with that and other ways to channel your emotions than thru eating. Good Luck, I am 4 1/2 months out and 85 pounds down!
   — MarthaJ0110

January 9, 2010
I had a rny on 12/23/09 and I did not have problems with only drinking liquids for 2 wks. Well, besides the fact that I DIDN'T want to eat or drink anything. I just didn't feel hungry at all. I had to force myself to take in what I did. I know you're nervous, excited and every emotion there is all bottled into one, but believe me, you'll do just fine! Try to relax and prepare as best as you can. Pretty soon you'll be a couple weeks past it and you'll wonder why you were so freaked out. I also agree with the suggestion to get the WLS for Dummies book. The best thing I could have done! It answers all of your questions and then some. Great for all phases of gastric surgeries. Best of luck to you! Take care, Kristin
   — taylork25

January 9, 2010
Mindset is everything. Believing in yourself and stick to the plan. It ain't easy but worth every minute. I did have some depression that passed. I'm now 8 months out and down 69 pounds with about 40 to go! Stick with the plan and dream about the outcome!! The tool works if you use it! Lots of luck to you!
   — Char-Ree C.

January 9, 2010
Best of luck to you. I think its common for many people to second guess their decision to undergo surgery. I did. I had my RNY on 11/25/09 and it wasn't that difficult at the beginning; because, I felt full all the time. I just graduated to a phase in my nutrition plan were I can eat solid foods, I am scared of this to say the least, but its going ok. I'm sure you will be fine.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 9, 2010
It has been pretty easy because I didn't want anything but liquids for the first two weeks. I froze my favorite chocolate protein drink into popsicles; warmed my chocolate protein drink so it was like hot chocolate; had SF popsicles, clear broth etc. It was completely satisfying. Best success; quit worrying!
   — Janell C.

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