Is anyone else having a problem with whey proteins?

I am 8 weeks post-op lap RNY. I am having a difficult time getting my protein in. I need 70 gms at least a day. I am no where near that. I am having a difficult time with all meats, except a light white fish. Even eggs are messing with me. I am having a very difficult time with whey protein, which is what most of the shakes are made with. That whey taste sits on the back of my tongue and makes me want to vomit. The Nectar fruity flavored protein shakes are sickening sweet. My taste buds have truly changed. I was able to do all of those things before surgery. But now, I can't stand the taste. The soy proteins are a lower count in protein grams and I will have to take in more of that. Unfortunately they are mostly unflavored and I will have to add it to juice or V-8, etc. I'm at a loss. Can anyone suggest anything????    — Senji (posted on September 11, 2008)

September 10, 2008
Try Greek Yougart as it is about 20 grams in one ounce. It is also sugar free.
   — William (Bill) wmil

September 10, 2008
Hi Tonya, I use the Whey on a hot drink [coffee] to get rid of the taste.I try to have 2 cups in the am with half a scoop in each and mix well. I use choclate Whey. Then I have ISOPURE from GNC, it is a flavored drink in a a Kool-aid. NO sugar 40 g of protein per bottle. Many good flavors. I like apple-melon. Also use another 100% protein power called ESSENTIAL works well in cold drinks [not warm or hot] I add 2 scoops [40g protein] to 16 oz of skim milk, a sugar free yogart and ice cubes throw in blender and sip on my drink. I have added this protein to a cup of yogart also and ate it. I have had to find CHEAP but good protein to get in me. I am on a very slim budget. Also, not able to hold down food yet. Hope this protein ideas will help you. Best of luck..slow and steady works for me.
   — tootsie52

September 11, 2008
I feel for ya! I was having a time just getting the grams needed let alone finding something that tasted good. I got a receipe off of the board the other day that I am now addicted to. (Thanks to whoever posted it - you saved me!) It does have whey protein powder in it, but I can't taste it now. You might give it a shot. It really does taste like a frosty from Wendy's. 1 cup of milk 2 scoops chocolate whey protein powder 1 packet sugar free chocolate carnation instant breakfast Lite Cool whip (as much as you like) **The more the better** This one gives me 64 grams of protein a day with the brands I used. I made 1/2 of it for breakfast this morning and it was delicious! Another person posted this one, but I haven't tried it yet: 8 oz. SF orange soda (blender takes carbonation out) one scoop vanilla whey protein 8 oz. skim milk SF fruit flavored syrup, is awesome. The diet orange adds a ton of flavor, you may not even need the syrup. Tastes like a Creamsicle. Good luck!
   — Teri K.

September 11, 2008
You can try putting tasteless protien powder in your food. Like yougurt, soups, cottage cheese. I got to where you were and just switched to protien bars. I cut them into small pieces. Sometimes it took me all day just to eat one but it was so much better than protien shakes. You might want to ask your Dr if you can eat beef jerky. I also have an easier time with meats if they are in soup.
   — Carlyn M.

September 11, 2008
When you try to eat chicken, stick to the legs and thighs (skinned). The breast is very dense and hard to eat. You can make a meat sauce with very lean ground beef, chicken or turkey, just like spaghetti sauce, and the sauce will help the meet go down. Eggs & me have not gotten along since my WLS 2+ years ago. I can gag one down occasionally..but not often. I 'hide' them in things - like boiled eggs chopped into a salad once you graduate to salads - but I just can't eat them. It's totally a texture thing, I think. Ugh. If you like the fish, it's a very good option for you if you're grilling it or poaching it. Because where I live, shrimp is dirt cheap (around $2.75 a pound! - I live in Indonesia) I eat a lot of shrimp. Regarding the Nectar drinks being too sweet...dilute them. The protein is in the powder, not the if you double the amount of water in it, it just ups your water intake but keeps the protein the same. Eventually your body will adjust and things won't taste so sweet to you. Initially after my WLS, I could only put one pack of on-the-go Crystal Light in a liter of water...the recommended two was WAY too sweet and I couldn't drink it. One of my favorite protein drinks that I make at home: 1 frozen banana sliced in chunks, about 1/2 - 1 cup low fat milk or soy milk (depending on how thick you like it), a scoop of creamy peanut butte (maybe 1 T), and a scoop of Any Whey unflavored protein. I put it all in the blender and make a 'banana milkshake' without any ice cream. Because the bananas are frozen, they give the texture of ice cream w/o the sugar from ice cream. You can use skim milk if you want. Skim milk in Indonesia doesn't have Vitamin D and I'm deficient in Vitamin D....but if you're Ok w/your D, then you can use skim. I assume this would work with things like sliced peaches, frozen raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries...whatever. Experiment w/your favorite fruit. I also buy 'Big Train' brand of frozen latte mixes and add a scoop of protein to them. Anything to hide that taste/texture of the whey.
   — Hollywog

September 11, 2008
Hi, I had lapband so my diet is a little different but I assume you can have cheese? There are great tasty recipes with low fat ricotta cheese and cottage cheese that are yummy and satisfying, Message me for more details if you are interested.
   — trbccowan

September 11, 2008
I used to make my own blend with a Soy protein mix that my wife would get from Sam's Club and a Rice protein mix that she would order from an online Health food store. Both were chocolate flavored but were unsweetened. This was a PLUS for me, since I am allergic to sugar and sensitive to Nutrasweet and Splenda. Both give me Migraines. I was able to sweeten the mixture with a sweetener of my choice. I would mix the SOY and RICE proteins together and then mix THOSE with Peanut Butter and a Frozen Banana and ice in a blender and make a smoothie. It was quite tasty! I hope this helps, Hugh.
   — hubarlow

September 11, 2008
There is the protein bullet. I have had the same problems with any shake I have tried. For the past few weeks I have been using the New Whey 42 gm bullets. I drink half, and after several hours the other half (you can only absorb about 30 gms of protein at a time). People will tell you they are collagen protein and not good for you. My doctor told me they were better than no protein at all. So I use 2 daily and try to eat the rest of my protein buy getting the Kroger Carb Master yogurt...12 gms. 1/2 cup cottage cheese...14 gms, etc. It adds up you will be surprised. This weekend I hope to be able to go back to my powdered least I am going to try. Good luck!
   — Gena L.

September 11, 2008
I'm having the same problem and I'm also 8 weeks out. Please let me know what or if you find any help on this. I have tried so many different types as well and I just can not keep them down. I just really get sick from them.
   — anajera

September 11, 2008

   — gigi_c

September 12, 2008
I do not know where you live so I'm not sure if you can find this one it is Spiru-ten by Natures Plus it is a soy and has 14 proteins, as try unjury it's great to no after taste for me here is the link good luck and GOD BLESS
   — LBowker

September 12, 2008
I use Designer Whey from Trader Joe's, which comes in Chocolate and Vanilla in my shakes, which are made with vanilla yogurt, fat free milk and ice cubes. They aren't sickeningly sweet. Marti in San Jose
   — Marti P.

September 12, 2008
I use syntrax Chocolate Truffle Protein and I mix 3 scoops (23 grams each Scoop) to 8 oz of milk. It taste like chocolate milk or I freeze it to make it slushy. By far the best tasting stuff I actually look forward to drinking it, GOod Luck
   — nicole30

September 12, 2008
Hi, you might call around to the different natual food stores (found it a GNC here where I live) and see if you can get what they call a protein bullet. It has about 42 grams of protein in a liquid state that can be put in jello, drinks or can drink them on there own. Runs around $3.00 a bullet. Because I also had trouble getting my proteins in at frist but know six years out and wish I had found out about it. Hope it helps and hope to hear from you on the losing side. Cindy
   — cwatts5288

September 12, 2008
I had the exact same problem and the only thing that works for me is to have some hot tea to chase it down with. So I will take a swallow of the protein bullet then I will take a swallow of hot tea and that takes the taste away quickly. Hope it works for you.
   — lajean77

September 13, 2008
I have the EXACT same problem and am 8 weeks post-op, too. While I'm not a "sweets" person, here's the 2 things that have saved me to get my protein in (I tried EVERYTHING and can't stand proteins shakes). First: a REAL milkshake: 3 scoops of Edy's low-fat, sugar-free vanilla ice cream in the blender. Add 1 cup skim milk, one scoop TASTELESS whey protein powder, 2 T Slenda (helps take away the taste of the 'tasteless' powder!), 1 pack of sugar-free Carnation instant breakfast powder, and sugar-free chocolate syrup to taste (add more as you go along if you wish). It will be thick like a regular milkshake and go down like a dream! My other saving grace is peanut butter cookies (got the recipe here on OH) and they are NOT too dense to process! In fact, I had an EGD w/ dilation yesterday (see my blog for details), and for the past week, these are the ONLY solid food I could keep down!! Recipe (you can half if you are the only one eating these): 1 cup reduced-fat Jiff OR Simply Jiff (your choice; read the nutritional labels online to see if you want a little less fat or a little less sugar grams) ... 1 cup Splenda ... 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract ... 1 egg (whole, raw). Hint: spray your measuring cup, mixing bowl, and spoon with Butter-flavored Pam so the peanut butter won't stick!! Mix well in bowl and using hands, roll out quarter-size balls. Place on flat cookie sheet sprayed with butter Pam and flatten (twice, crossways) with a fork sprayed with Pam and dipped in Spenda. Bake 10 minutes at 325. Let sit in pan for 5 minutes and place on a plate. They are DELISH and like I said, one of the few proteins I could keep down!!! Good luck!!!
   — Susan L.

September 14, 2008
Tonya, I am 11 weeks post RNY and still have days when water makes me nauseous. Lol Today, I was fine until breakfast and I don't know, maybe I ate a bit more than I should or maybe it was the bacon, but I feel like something the dog dragged in right now. I have a product called Nauzene that is a chewable tablet, but it's cherry flavored and lately ANY fruit flavored anything makes me sick. They've given you some good suggestions and I hope you find the answers you are seeking. Fill us all in when you do, because obviously a lot of us have the same problem.
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

September 25, 2008
You can get the Body Fortress protein bullet at Wal-Mart for $1.96 each. Best deal I have found, and believe me I have looked everywhere!
   — Billie R.

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