has anyones Dr said they can eat nutrisystem after 6 weeks

   — jlh1129 (posted on January 26, 2008)

January 26, 2008
why would you want to spend money on that expensive food? You've had surgery, and you have to "retrain" your eating habits. Stick with the protocol your surgeon has set up. Go to bariatric support group meetings. I've attended dozens of meetings since my surgery 19 months ago, and I've yet to hear of anyone say their doctor told them to eat that stuff. Eat the food recommended by your surgeon. For a better understanding of what you can eat and cannot eat, I'd strongly suggest attending support group meetings. I've learned a lot through these meetings. You don't need to spend a lot of money on Nutrisystem after having surgery. Eat the right foods in smaller quantities, drink plenty of water, and exercise. That's the "recipe" that has proven to work the best.
   — Dave Chambers

January 26, 2008
I agree with Dave. Hang in there. Pat
   — pjennjr

January 26, 2008
Not to mention the food is gross and very high in sodium. Plus what if costs for one week you probably won't spend in a month! Stick to learning to cook and eat healthy for yourself. Good Luck.
   — changemyshape

January 26, 2008
I agree....and some of the food has a chemical taste to it. Since we are restricted in volume, make the volume as tasty as possible. I have gone to only 2 meetings, and haven't found them helpful YET, so I will continue to go to give them a fair chance. Maybe if you find a meeting in your area you could ask for recipes or easy frozen meals. I don't cook, so I give myself permission for frozen meals. Any of those taste better than the Nutrisystem I tried.
   — Carlast

January 27, 2008
there are no suppost groups in anchorage so i enjoy reading the q & a online with you folks. when i'm in a hurry, i nuke a lean cuisine and get 3 meals out of it! costs a whole lot less the nutrisystem, plus tastes better.
   — bumstier

January 27, 2008
Nutrisystem is for a regular diet, and I have heard horror stories about the food. There is a Bariatric cookbook out there that is wonderful and easy. It is "Eat to Live, Stop Living to Eat" You can find it on It is good food for the whole family. You don't have anything about yourself, so don't know if this pertains to you or not. If you have kids, you need to start teaching them to eat healthy now so they don't have to go through what you did. Check it out. It is great!!
   — jk_harris

January 28, 2008
There is also another book on that is good. Has all SORTS of recipes and ideas for holidays too. I agree, you will spend far less on Lean Cuisines, Helath Choices, deli meats, chicken salads, etc then buying Nutrisystem. That is SO expensive. There are always people on here and on the forums that have great meal ideas. Good luck!
   — juliebelle0402

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